Friday, April 22, 2011

The Gideons- Bibles to Egypt

News: International  

Following a distribution of Scriptures to men in a jail in Egypt, a letter was received at The Gideons International Headquarters. The letter was signed by fourteen men incarcerated in the jail in Egypt, all who received a copy of God’s Word from The Gideons. The prisoners were from Ghana, Canada, Nigeria, Spain, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, and the Philippines.

Here is an excerpt from the letter:
“We have a testimony to make here. We came to prison to pay for our crimes, but we have found a freedom that is better than physical freedom. This is the freedom from bondage of Satan and sin. Since we know Christ, we are sure that our sins have been forgiven. The joy we now experience in the Lord is quite immeasurable.”
“The Lord Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28, 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' We have given our hearts to Him, trusting that He will turn our sorrows into joy.“
The letter thanked The Gideons saying, “The Bibles you gave us are really helping us in an important way. Now every one of us has a Bible to read to comfort him.”
It was in 1975 that The Gideons established its first camp in Egypt. Today, there are 61 camps there with approximately 800 Gideons and 500 Auxiliary. To date, over 2.1 million copies of God’s Word have been distributed there through The Gideons International.
Please pray for the people of Egypt as they move forward. Pray that copies of God’s Word will be placed in the hands of all who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and that they will come to realize true freedom comes through freedom in Jesus Christ.

In February, 6,306,255 copies of God’s Word were placed in countries outside of the U.S. through The Gideons International. Praise God. Thank you members and donors.