Friday, October 28, 2011

The Gideons- New Testaments Orbit The Moon

Christmas Eve 1968: Gideon-Placed New Testaments Orbit The Moon

by Kevin Mcintosh on December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve, 1968.
It had been a turbulent year in U.S. history. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King had both been assassinated. Twelve hundred Americans a month were dying in the Vietnam War.
Yet on this evening, in addition to celebrating the Savior’s birth, the country was uniting as a historic event was unfolding live before the eyes of the largest TV audience in history at that point in time. Three U.S. astronauts – Jim Lovell, Frank Borman and William Anders – were aboard the Apollo 8 and broadcasting live pictures from a quarter of a million miles away as they orbited the moon. It was the first manned mission to leave the earth’s orbit.

About six weeks before the flight, NASA informed the astronauts they would be broadcasting live on Christmas Eve during their lunar orbit. According to Borman in an interview with Time magazine in 2008, “. . . the only instructions we got from NASA were to do something appropriate.”
Apollo 8 Postage Stamp
A US Postage Stamp commemorates the historic Christmas Eve 1968 Apollo broadcast
So on that historic Chistmas Eve, with the camera aimed out the Apollo window and focused on the moon, the astronauts took turns reading aloud from Genesis, chapter 1.
Earlier, Service Testaments from The Gideons International had been approved for placement aboard Apollo 8. And while Service Testaments do not include the Old Testament (Bibles distributed by The Gideons International however do), we do know that Service Testaments were in fact onboard Apollo 8 during that historic lunar broadcast.
There is another story related to the Apollo 8 and a Gideon Bible that has circulated for years, although its source is unverified.
The story goes like this:
A Japanese news correspondent covering the Apollo 8 mission was staying in a Houston hotel. He telephoned NASA Public Affairs to request a copy of “the speech” that the astronauts were reading. The Public Affairs official asked where the reporter was staying and then told him, “Open the desk drawer and you’ll find a book. Open the book to page one.”
The reporter followed the instructions, upon which he found a Gideon Bible inside the desk drawer. He later reported, “NASA Public Affairs is very efficient . . . they had a mission transcript waiting in my hotel room.”

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Duttons- Kisses From Katie 'YouTube'

  • Terina Dutton
    Wow!!! Watch this! What are we waiting for? We are all CALLED to do so much, every one who is a follower of Christ... We can sit and do nothing in the name of "waiting on God to show us what our calling is" or we can read His Spoken word, which already reveals His command for us to care for the orphaned, poor, and needy, and GO!!! Kids are dying every minute, 9 year olds are raising their younger siblings, 6 year olds are being sold into sex trafficking....LET US NOT GET OFFENDED, LETS GET GOING!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Duttons- Launching New Ministries

WOW!!! Make sure you are receiving our newsletters. There are a lot of exciting things going on. We are still working on getting the 3rd Childrens Home up and going. We are also in the process of launching our Relief Ministry, which will send a team to respond to Natural Disasters to bring Aid, and Hope to people who lost everything. We are also launching Heavenly Hope Womens Ministry and will be working with ladies to launch widows centers, and much more!