Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Johnson's- John's 60th Birthday

Hi everyone,
This is Irene writing in John’s Outlook. You may or may not be aware that 07th March is John’s 60th birthday. I was thinking it would be fun to let you know so that you could surprise him by dropping him an email birthday greeting, or if you are so inclined you could send a card by snail mail.
Our address is:
1410 Stratford Road,
Hall Green, Birmingham
UK B28 9EP
Every blessing,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dutton's- Needs Wisdom

Pray for the ministry! We need a lot of wisdom and continued guidance as we move forward to all the exciting things God has for us right now. He is doing awesome things with HHM and we need more workers, harvesters, supporters, prayer warriors, and volunteers!!!! Thank you!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dutton's- February 2012

In Amsterdam, on our way back from Ethiopia, an AMAZING TIME! The Lord has placed a lot before us but I am so excited for all HE is doing there!