Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dutton's- Miki's Adoption Story 2012

This is Miki's adoption story which the news in Denver aired back in 2008 (I think). It won an EMMY which was pretty awesome!

Our adoption story was on the news in Denver and won an EMMY! I just saw it was on You Tube so I thought I would share it

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dutton's- Need an Accountant 2012

Heavenly Hope Ministries
We are in NEED of an accountant/ CPA for the ministry. Please contact us if you are interested or know anyone who is looking to serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. THANK YOU!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ken Warwick- March 2012

Through WARWICK'S WINDOW                                                                                        
Does it feel like 2012 is zipping along to you too? ...
Dear Friends in Mt Shasta,
When we last wrote in January, a new year full of projects and opportunites was stretched out ahead of us like an unplowed field. Since then much has happened in life and ministry and Ken is on the verge of a long trip to Asia... we deeply appreciate your prayer support for us so let's see if we can get you caught up a bit....

Hong Kong MeetingsKen has been working with a small team behind the scenes to help prepare a training and networking conference in Hong Kong for 68 ReachGlobal staff and 20 international partners. Please pray for these very important days of learning from each other and finding new ways to speed the growth of the church around the world. Ken leaves for Hong Kong on March 13th and will return on the 31st after visiting other staff in Asia following the week of meetings in Hong Kong.

April in Africa
Next month all of our staff in Africa and a number of African leaders will be gathering for their conference in Kenya, which is held every couple years. Ken will be attending and leading several workshops and meeting with staff to think through a full range of personnel issues.
All of you will be going along with Ken in a sense as he's been asked to do a workshop on how to put together prayer letters like this one. As I'm showing them how the address list works, I will be giving thanks for each reader of this letter!

Team Leader Orientation Course #2We mentioned in January how last year saw the launch of "Team Leader Orientation," a systematic four week introduction to being a team leader in ReachGlobal. It worked very well with a group of 15 participants and Ken's very active facilitation, but it took an emergency project coming to Ken's desk to complete the "proof of concept" and demonstrate how the course would work with a much smaller group. This was important to find out, because once we work through the big backlog of existing team leaders, we needed to know if the course would work in an "on demand" basis with just a few participants at a time.
A second offering of the course was planned in February.The first "apparent setback" for the February offering of this course, happened suddenly the week before the course started, when the participants dropped from seven to three. Then just days before the course started, Ken was given additional responsibilities with preparing for the LeadTeam Conference in Hong Kong, which basically have consumed the last six weeks of his life. This meant that Ken was "missing in action" from the February course, which forced us to test the ability of the course to work as designed. Ken's apology to the three participants at the close of the course was met with gracious responses, great appreciation for how the course had worked and affirmation for Ken's design. Isn't it great how God can turn our frustration and discouragement into joy?

Ken and JoAn Warwick
Serving with
Home Address:
 104 Shumway Ave
 Faribault, MN 55021
EFCA National Office Address:
 901 E 78th St.
 Minneapolis, MN 55420
 Home 507.332.8878
 Office 952.853.8452
 Office 800.745.2202

Ken Warwick

Donate Securely Online:
Ken and JoAn regular support
Technology for Missionaries Fund
 Checks can be sent to:
 EFCA Donor Services
 901 E 78th St.
 Minneapolis, MN 55420
 Please include a note with your check indicating which account it should be applied to for Ken and JoAn. Thanks!

 Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!
Ken and JoAn

Prayer RequestsFor Ken as he attends and leads a sessions at the ReachGlobal LeadTeam meetings in Hong Kong and at the Africa Conference.
For JoAn as she does physical therapy for a painful knee with a torn menusucs and deteriorating cartilege.
  For Ken as he travels to "Asia" and Mongolia following Hong Kong.
  For Ken as he travels to Africa in April.
  Praise for Ren's first year and for a four generation birthday party on March 24th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dutton's- JD's Touchdown Club 2012

JD's Touchdown Club-A new season has started. Click here to find out how you can turn Johns Touchdowns into feeding, clothing, and helping the poor, orphaned and widowed all over the world!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dutton's- Football 2012

Okay, so I thought after 13 seasons of watching John play and all we've seen in Africa that I would no longer get nervous for his football games. Then he runs out on the field and my heart jumps....again! Why is it still making me this nervous???