Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Johnson's- Help Needed

Dear ministry partners,

On Friday our RG-Europe Business Manager notified us that we will no longer be reimbursed for our ministry expenses since we’ve dropped well below the minimum required reserve in our ministry account.

And if the balance continues to drop, we will also need to take a cut in salary.

This has come about because:

· we’ve chosen not to raise our salary since 2009, being sensitive to economic difficulties experienced by many Stateside

· we’ve lost a few supporters over the past years

· our ministry expenses have been increasing gradually due to inflation, cost of living overseas, and increased non-taxable benefits such as medical, RG allocation, etc

As a result, over these past 12 months through August we’ve averaged a shortfall of about $1000 per month, which means we’ve gradually depleted the reserve we had due to one-time donations.

All this to say, we desperately need churches and individuals to:

· help us with one-time gifts to re-build our reserve so that we can be reimbursed for ministry expenses and also not have to take a cut in salary

· help us with our ongoing monthly support needs

Would you please pray about our needs and consider investing in our ministry to reach Muslims for Christ by adding us to your church or personal budget? Or if you’re already a financial supporter, would you please consider increasing the amount of your support? As you can appreciate, we prefer not to have to return to America prematurely before our summer 2013 Home Assignment.

We trust that our God who has called us to this ministry is the same God who will provide our needs. But we have a responsibility to make our needs known and to invite your prayerful consideration. Admittedly, I’ve been negligent about making these needs known in the past, tending instead to rely on the one-time donations.

As always, we remain extremely grateful for whatever contributions you’ve made in the past, and can make in the future!

For contributions to our ministry:

a) For USA checks, please make payable to "EFCA" , noting “1862, Johnsons support” on memo line. Mail checks or the attached pledge form to: Evangelical Free Church of America, 901 East 78th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300.

b) For UK cheques, make payable to “ReachGlobal”, noting “Johnsons support” on the reverse. Post cheques or the pledge form to us at: 117 Sandford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9BU.