Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ken Warwick- EFCA in Berlin

Getting stoked about what's happening in this strategizing session about Berlin. We're on the verge of a massive work of God in that great city.

Pray for wisdom and creativity in this strategy

Monday, December 3, 2012

Kathy Keller- Christmas 2012

Hello to you all!
I am about to leave for ....... on a trip with our TIMO team to ........ for a language, culture, meeting up with friends (a few, God willing) extravaganza.I will be gone until December 26th. I will write more about what has been going on here at that time. For those of you who had been praying for our Friday Club kids our last night was two days ago and we had a TON of parents come to our parent night. Oh, that God may use this club in the lives of family members here to draw them to Himself. Some exciting things have happened lately and I see God working and moving in the lives and hearts of people who have been hearing the gospel. Keep praying! Please pray for three people  that I believe God is working in—......, .........., and ........ I look forward to telling you some stories about them soon!
How can you pray for us while we are gone?
Please pray for team unity. When a group of eight people travel to a foreign land there are bound to be some tense moments. Pray that we would be the aroma of Jesus to each other and to all we meet on this trip. Pray for Jenny, myself, Angela, Becca (standing in back) and Matt, Erin, Kayla and Laura (sitting down). Pray this trip will help us to understand the heart language and worldview of our people. They are a lost bunch, and we want to faithfully serve them by knowing more about what makes them tick.
I do pray you have a wonderful Christmas Season in the states or wherever you find yourself in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to sharing more when I get back.
God works through prayer.