Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Good Samaritan's Home Ministries, June 2014

What an exciting year it has been as we have watched our 10 year dream of completing a permanent home and school for the precious children in Good Samaritan’s Home, become a reality!

On June 16, 2014, the school opened, approved for operation on a conditional basis, with a few additional projects to be completed in the near future. God’s grace and provision have enabled our communities to raise and send the $200,000 needed to complete the school and home to this point. An additional $33,000 will need to be raised to bring the home and school to full completion and government compliance. (kitchen ,$20,000; an additional well and water storage, $9,500;  a commercial grade electrical transformer$1,500; and teacher’s insurance deposit, $2,000)

To give us a full report, we are excited to announce the upcoming visit of Brother Joseph’s father, Prabha Kolamuri, July 5th-14th, 2014 . We will be welcoming him at a potluck at the Holst’s home on Sunday July 6th, 5:00-8:00pm.  We are attaching a full schedule of his visit so that you may take as many opportunities as you can to sit at his feet and learn and glean from this wonderful servant of the LORD. We will be sending him off on Sunday July 13th at a potluck at the Barr’s home, 5:00-8:00pm. We encourage you to send back with Prabha, greetings of letters and photos to the Kolamuri family and the children, but due to space, no gifts please.

We are also excitedly preparing for the visit of Brother Joseph in Sept. 2014. Watch future emails for a schedule of events. Please pray for the details of the full completion of the school and home, Prabha’s visit, Brother Joseph’s visit, and lives to be changed as a result of the gospel outreach in Rajahmundry June 25-27, 2014.

Praise be to God for His faithfulness to Good Samaritan’s Home Ministries!