Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dutton's- December Update

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling.  God sets the fatherless in families"...Psalms 68:5-6


He shared his story with us, and we were able to grieve with and ultimately rejoice with him. 
He shared that his father died when he was young.  There were many times they had no food, and were hungry.  Soon after that time some missionaries came into his area and built a church.  He began to go to the prayer and worship meetings, but when his mom found out she beat him with sticks and told him he couldn’t go again.  He did go again, and when his mom found out she again beat him with sticks and then tied him up with his hands behind his back and left him at the house.  He said he cried and cried and cried.

 A while later, someone came and said they could help him and brought him to the orphanage.   There he really began to grow in his faith and seek God.  For a few years a man from the states sent support and so they had enough to eat.  After he stopped sending support, Solomon said there were many times they had no food, and would go into the forest and hunt for animals to eat. (this is prior to when adoptions and support began to help).  During this time, he cried out to God and prayed ALL the time for Gods help.

During a time of prayer and worship a pastor touched him on the head, and Solomon said he could feel the Holy Spirit moving in his heart.  He spoke to him that he would “raise him up to be a good man and a king to his people”…  He said he has held on to those words for years, and also that God would send help to him.  Many times, during hard times, he held onto those promises.

 Eventually, people started coming to the orphanages, and families were adopting his friends, yet he still remained there.  One night, all the boys laid their hands on him for prayer as he was the only one in that group who didn’t have a family.  Soon after that, he was approached and told a family(us) were adopting him.  AMEN!!!  Recently, his sister came to the orphanage and said “come back home, your God isn’t going to help you”.  He said “NO, I will wait for my help” and “I’m not going to give up on my hope”.

3 weeks ago he drove into ADDIS for his court date.  He was nervous because his age, as some of the kids have been rejected, being told they were too old.  You could just see how nervous he was.  John, Solomon, and I were with our representatives and waited for our turn.  The whole time I prayed just thinking:  God, surely you didn’t bring us this far, to have them say NO, and send Solomon back to the orphanage.  They brought Solomon in first and closed the door.  Then they made him leave and brought us in. I looked at him, and walked in; closing the door.  When we came out we said
“congratulations, were cleared”

He gave us the BIGGEST HUG and had the biggest smile.  He said he was so happy, and relieved!!!!  GOD WAS FAITHFUL AND Solomon's help did come!!!

We are now doing great and we are TRULY BLESSED with his addition.  Please pray the Lords grace, love, and joy to fill our home as we answer the call to make one less orphan in the world. 
 In closing, how many of the 163 million orphans are crying out to God right now, asking for Him to send help.

Which one is He sending you to???

 **our embassy appointment is in approximately 7 days.  Please pray for the Lords continued favor and for the remaining funds to come in BEFORE THEN.  We are still a few thousand short***


Don’t forget the 141 million orphans who will not receive presents from their moms & Dads this Christmas.  Please shop our 2010 HHM Christmas Catalog and help someone in need!!!  You can also help get our guesthouse going and plant a seed that will feed many, clothe many, and help many!!!



The boy’s shelter will be opening within the next week or so.  There are still quite a few needs at this time, and we need your help!  Please shop our Christmas Catalog and see how you can help bring in over 26 kids from off the streets.  Now that is a Christmas gift!!!

purchase a gift certificate

 Its not too late to puchase a gift certificate.  The proceeds go to benefit us and the children we serve.  There are many beautiful items that would make great Christmas gifts so let them pick something out!!!  Email me at to get one in time for Christmas.


We just want to take a second to thank all of you who have been so generous to HHM and to the children we serve.  As we share amazing stories, please remember, this isn’t the work we (John & I) are doing.  This is the amazing work of Jesus Christ as we seek to be His hands and feet together with YOU!!  None of our work can be done without His leading, or your support so PLEASE feel a part of every story, every victory, every need, and every trial.  We will move forward together to serve the least of these, and we need you with us!



We recently had the amazing privilege of watching 34 of the street kids get baptized.  It was a sweet day.  It gave me a glimpse of heaven as they were all wearing white robes, and were all cleaned up for just that short time.  After it was over, they were back in their street clothes.  Though it saddened me for a moment, I can ultimately rejoice as their names are written in the book of life.  They will also be moving into the shelter soon and will be given a new start and hope on earth as well.



Pray for FUNDS:

Please pray for the funds to come in for the Street Shelter and for the guest house.  There are many needs and start up costs for both, but both are ESSENTIAL for us growing and serving more people.
Please pray for the CHILDREN coming into the SHELTER:
They need prayer for deliverance from addictions, behaviors, and spiritual strongholds from their time living on the street.  Pray that they will transition well into the shelter and that God would pour into their hearts and lives in an amazing way.  Pray the Holy Spirit will fill every void, pain, and trauma from their past, and that He will restore them, and make them a new creation. Pray for His plans for their lives to be fulfilled, and that the territory of the enemy will be taken back and restored double fold!

Pray for the CHILDRENS HOMES:  

Pray for wisdom as the Children’s homes are filled with more children.  Pray for God's continued direction on the 3rd home as well as the children that will be brought in there.

Pray for the MINISTRY:  

Pray that God would continue to lead our every step, every dollar spent, and every decision according to HIS PURPOSES.  Pray for divine protection and wisdom for our workers and our family.  Pray for God's provision of our personal and ministry needs and for His favor in every arena!

Pray for US:

To lead with integrity, boldness, and unwavering faith as we storm the gates of hell and engage daily in a war with the enemy for Gods children.  Pray against all plots and plans of the enemy against our family, ministry, and children to fail miserably!!!  AMEN!!!


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