Friday, December 16, 2011

Dutton's- Christmas Message 2011

We want to wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, blessed New Year! We are so thankful for every one of you who support us, and our Ministry, from the bottom of our hearts! None of it would be possible with out you and we take no credit.
You are all AMAZING! How we wish we could thank each one of you in person, but please know, we are truly grateful for YOU, from the bottom of our hearts.
May the Lord richly bless you this year with His peace, grace, and love and may you extend it to others as well!!!
God bless you all!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dutton's- Dec. 2011 Update

Ministry Update: December 1, 2011
Hands of Hope Missions, a ministry of Heavenly Hope Ministries, is currently in Uganda holding a Pastor's Conference, Medical Clinic, and a revival.
See below Right for more information on what God is doing in Uganda, to follow the team, and to see pictures...
Taken this week by one of the team members in Uganda
From M.A.R.K 10:14
Great testimony of one of the kids at the street shelter...
"One of our favorite ongoing testimonies from the team and the kids in Ethiopia is that of Abayneh. It was around this time last year we shared with you about Abayneh, the young boy from the streets missing both his arms from the shoulder down. Abayneh lived with us for just under 2 weeks during a very focused time seeking God for renewing in his heart. Abayneh wanted nothing to do with his parents or family, who lived just about 1 hour outside of Addis Ababa, the capital city. The whole family was reeling from many of the effects of extreme poverty and Abayneh had a hard time staying home for more than two or three days without running to search for something, anything. We kept asking him if he wanted to return to his family, but each time we found really strong resistance.
As we prayed for Abayneh after he moved into our home, the Lord gave us Ezekiel 36:26-27 for him, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes..." We shared this word with Abayneh after he had been with us for just over a week and told him that we believe God wanted to give him a new heart for a new purpose and new beginning in his life. He liked the thought of what he was hearing, but didn't really know what it might mean. Neither did we.
The next few days we spent a lot of time praying with Abayneh, and gathering around him as a family to pray over him. More than anything, we wanted him to feel drenched in the Lord's love. The second day we were praying this passage over Abayneh, he asked if he could call his parents to talk. The next day Abayneh came to us and said that he wanted to call them again, this time because he wanted to talk about going home! Something was changing in Abayneh!
After talking to his parents, he informed them, and us, that he was ready to go back home and begin living again with his family. Several leaders from the team of Spiritual Fathers & Mothers escorted him home and began to build a relationship with Abayneh's whole family now. This opened the door to shepherd and disciple his mom and his dad. It opened the door to offer support and love to his siblings. Abayneh went home with a new heart from God, and it opened the door for God's transformation within their whole family.
Getaneh (one of the primary team leaders) just returned this week from visiting Abayneh and his family. The family has seen God provide them a new house of late, medical care, food, and schooling for all their kids. But most of all, our hearts were joyfully broken to see a photo from Getaneh's trip to see Abayneh and the family. The smile on Abayneh's face was more than we could ask for. Previously he couldn't even be at his home for more than a couple days, and now this photo showed Abayneh still at home with his family almost one year later, with a big smile on his face and a new heart that had overflowed throughout his home.
(Abayneh-in red, pictured with his family)
Thank you for joining us in lives and families like Abayneh! Thank you for helping pray for and support other kids at the shelter, and from the street, who are in the middle of similar testimonies. Thank you for your prayers and support towards the team of Fathers and Mothers who are walking through these stories with not only the kids, but the kids' families. Thank you!
~Joey & Destiny LeTourneau
Check out our beautiful necklaces available for purchase through our Christmas Catalog. Each piece is handcrafted by women in Ethiopia and the funds raised through the sale of the jewelry goes to support the ministry work we are doing.
ABOVE: Hand crafted beaded and paper mache necklaces
To DONATE click on the HHM Logo below:
  • Shop our 2011 Christmas Catalog today
  • Abayneh: A Street kid's Testimony
  • UGANDA Ministry Update:
Follow the blog
of our HOHM
team serving in
  • Current Ministry prayer & financial needs
Christmas Catalog:
Click on the link above to SHOP in our 2011 Christmas and help support those in need during the Holiday Season!!!
Something to think about...
"But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?"...1 John 3:17
As I write this, we have a team serving in Uganda with Hands of Hope Missions (HOHM); a ministry under Heavenly Hope Ministries.
HOHM was started by Rick & Wendi Cross. Rick joined John on a trip to Uganda in 2008, and the Lord burdened his heart for the Ugandan people and called him to launch a ministry under Heavenly Hope Ministries that would serve the people there. HOHM is partnered with an orphanage (Redeemer House) and God is doing amazing things through this ministry!
This week, they are holding a pastors conference, medical clinic, and outdoor revival.
Please pray for God to do mighty things through the team and in the people of Uganda that they are serving. Pray that many eyes would be opened to the truth of the gospel and many lives would be changed for His glory!
To read about their trip and see pictures click on the picture below.

Current Needs:

M.A.R.K 10:14-
  • Ongoing monthly support for food, the team leaders salaries, and families (like Abayneh's-who live outside the shelter)

HHM Africa-
  • FUNDS-the ministry is REALLY in need of funds right now. Please consider giving an end of the year gift to benefit those we serve.
  • PRAYER-please continue to pray for our workers serving the children in our homes and at the street shelter. Pray God gives us His wisdom, guidance, and favor for all the work He has called us to do.
  • VOLUNTEERS- if you have even an extra hour or two, we could really use some addional help as our ministry grows. Contact us for more information regarding volunteer opportunities.
  • ​sewing machine
  • A GOOD camera
*if you have any questions about any of our ministry needs, please feel free to contact us at:

John & Terina Dutton
Heavenly Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Click here to follow us on Facebook:

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dutton's- Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful family & friends!!! Thank you God for everything you have blessed us, friends, freedom, food, clothes, warm showers, blankets, a roof, and most importantly your SON who gives us TRUE HOPE and GRACE and PEACE and JOY! THANK YOU!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dutton's- Christmas Catalog

Give a gift of Joy that will change lives.
Check out our 2011 Christmas Catalog.
"You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God"
...2 Cor 9:11
“The one who gathered much, did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little"
...2 Cor. 8:15
Did you know, if you make over $10,066 you are in the top 16% of the worlds richest people? If your net worth is $61,000 total, you are in the top 10% of the worlds RICHEST PEOPLE? Isn't that unbelievable?
Every year Americans spend over $10 bilion on Christmas while much of the world lives off of less than $2 a day and don't have the basic neccessities to survive.
This Christmas, we want to encourage our friends and ministry supporters to purchase a gift for a child or family in need. There are many options to choose from so check it out now and please pass the link along to your friends as well. Let us bless those in need this Christmas season.
Thank you!!!
This time of year is an important time of year for the ministry. There are many needs, and we depend on your generosity! Please help support the work we are doing by shopping the Gift Catalog today or making a donation on our website!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support!!!
WHY WE GIVE: Bible verses on giving...
"No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had...there was no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them and put the money from the sales at the apostles feet and it was distributed to any who had need"...Acts 4:32-35
To whom much is given, much is required"
...Luke 12:48
"Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need"...Acts 2:45
Jesus said "if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow me"...Matthew 19:21
"Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys"...Luke 12:33
"See also: Luke 12, Psalms 17:14, Luke 3:11, Psalms 112:5, Proverbs 29:7, Proverbs 28:27, 1 Timothy 6:18
Visit our website:
Heavenly Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dutton's- Orphan Sunday

This Sunday, November 6, is Orphan Sunday. WOW, only one day for over 140 million children without families. I think we all can put aside some time and figure out what we all can do for ONE of those kids. Go to,, or to find out what you can do!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Gideons- New Testaments Orbit The Moon

Christmas Eve 1968: Gideon-Placed New Testaments Orbit The Moon

by Kevin Mcintosh on December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve, 1968.
It had been a turbulent year in U.S. history. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King had both been assassinated. Twelve hundred Americans a month were dying in the Vietnam War.
Yet on this evening, in addition to celebrating the Savior’s birth, the country was uniting as a historic event was unfolding live before the eyes of the largest TV audience in history at that point in time. Three U.S. astronauts – Jim Lovell, Frank Borman and William Anders – were aboard the Apollo 8 and broadcasting live pictures from a quarter of a million miles away as they orbited the moon. It was the first manned mission to leave the earth’s orbit.

About six weeks before the flight, NASA informed the astronauts they would be broadcasting live on Christmas Eve during their lunar orbit. According to Borman in an interview with Time magazine in 2008, “. . . the only instructions we got from NASA were to do something appropriate.”
Apollo 8 Postage Stamp
A US Postage Stamp commemorates the historic Christmas Eve 1968 Apollo broadcast
So on that historic Chistmas Eve, with the camera aimed out the Apollo window and focused on the moon, the astronauts took turns reading aloud from Genesis, chapter 1.
Earlier, Service Testaments from The Gideons International had been approved for placement aboard Apollo 8. And while Service Testaments do not include the Old Testament (Bibles distributed by The Gideons International however do), we do know that Service Testaments were in fact onboard Apollo 8 during that historic lunar broadcast.
There is another story related to the Apollo 8 and a Gideon Bible that has circulated for years, although its source is unverified.
The story goes like this:
A Japanese news correspondent covering the Apollo 8 mission was staying in a Houston hotel. He telephoned NASA Public Affairs to request a copy of “the speech” that the astronauts were reading. The Public Affairs official asked where the reporter was staying and then told him, “Open the desk drawer and you’ll find a book. Open the book to page one.”
The reporter followed the instructions, upon which he found a Gideon Bible inside the desk drawer. He later reported, “NASA Public Affairs is very efficient . . . they had a mission transcript waiting in my hotel room.”

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Duttons- Kisses From Katie 'YouTube'

  • Terina Dutton
    Wow!!! Watch this! What are we waiting for? We are all CALLED to do so much, every one who is a follower of Christ... We can sit and do nothing in the name of "waiting on God to show us what our calling is" or we can read His Spoken word, which already reveals His command for us to care for the orphaned, poor, and needy, and GO!!! Kids are dying every minute, 9 year olds are raising their younger siblings, 6 year olds are being sold into sex trafficking....LET US NOT GET OFFENDED, LETS GET GOING!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Duttons- Launching New Ministries

WOW!!! Make sure you are receiving our newsletters. There are a lot of exciting things going on. We are still working on getting the 3rd Childrens Home up and going. We are also in the process of launching our Relief Ministry, which will send a team to respond to Natural Disasters to bring Aid, and Hope to people who lost everything. We are also launching Heavenly Hope Womens Ministry and will be working with ladies to launch widows centers, and much more!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dutton's- We need more hands!

Heavenly Hope Ministries
As a ministry we are looking for some volunteers to help with a few different things: we need people who are gifted at marketing and creating marketing materials, writing (for newsletters and website) and fundraising. If you want to use your gifts to help the poor and serve the ministry please let us know!!! We need more hands!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dutton's- Thank you for Prayers

We want to thank all of you who have continued to pray for and support Heavenly Hope Ministries and the children we serve. Do not forget to pray for our children, the ministry, and us as we serve on the frontlines!! We are SO THANKFUL for you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dutton's- In Africa

Terina Dutton
I'm having an amazing time in Africa with my sis and BF. God has done amazing things. We were able to go and pass out clothes and shoes to kids in need, saw demons cast out, visited the ministries we support, and its been AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dutton's- John's Better...Played Football

Terina Dutton
WOW! Today was crazy. John played today...did amazing....and trusted God. He only had surgery on his achilles a short time ago. It was awesome to watch!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dutton's- God's Heart

‎"When we say we have a heart for the USA we are admitting that we have a meager 5% of Gods heart & we are proud of it. When we say we have a heart for the city we live in, we confess that we have less than 1 % of Gods heart. Certainly there are great needs here. But must we insist on dividing the Great Commission into an either or proposition? Who told us we had to have a heart for the USA OR the world?"..David Platt
 Terina Dutton cont..."based on the purposes of God we've seen in Scripture, shouldn't EVERY CHRISTIANs heart be ultimately consumed with how we can make Gods glory know in all the world..." from the book "Radical" by David Platt

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Gideons- July Update

Gideon Scriptures Touch Lives Throughout The World In 2010-2011
We give all glory to God for every Scripture that is distributed and for every soul that comes to receive Christ as Lord and Savior as a direct result of these distributions.
We also recognize the importance of the support of our members and donors. Their faithful serving and giving help touch lives for Christ in ways that we’ll never fully realize until we get to Heaven.
With more than 158,000 Gideons and Auxiliary outside of the U.S., and nearly 129,000 more members in the U.S., Gideon Scriptures are being placed by our members at the rate of more than 2 per second, for as little as $1.24 a copy.
To date, we’ve distributed over 1.7 billion Scriptures in the world since our first placement in 1908 at the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana.
Today, there are an estimated 4 billion unsaved people in the world. That means there is still much more work for The Gideons International to do in our role along with other ministries in carrying out Christ’s command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV)
Please pray that 2011-2012 will be a year in which more Scriptures can be placed through The Gideons International to help win more men, women, boys and girls to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dutton's- Summer Update 2011

Heavenly Hope Ministries
Summer Update

Many of you have heard us talk about Athletes for the  Nations.  While the Lord gave us the name of this ministry last year, we are only beginning to see the full vision God has for it and we are beyond excited!!!  We will be officially announcing it within the next 2 weeks and are going to share more of the vision with you then.  WE CAN'T WAIT!!!  Please stay tuned for its official launching. 
Volunteers Needed: 
 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field"
...Luke 10:2
As the Lord continues to build and grow the ministry and the amount of people we serve, we can no longer accomplish all that needs to be done without others joining us to help serve.  The need for more workers is quickly becoming a reality. 
  If you are looking for ways to serve the Lord by giving your time, talents, and resources then we need you!  There are a few different opportunities to help serve. 
  We are looking for people to host fundraisers as well as write grants.  We are looking for people who are gifted in  marketing.  We are looking for people who can help us create more funds to meet the rising needs of those we are serving.  We are looking for someone to help with the administration of running the guesthouse in Ethiopia.  If you are interested in serving the Lord in any of these areas, please let us know! 
Thank you!!!
In this issue
Athletes For The Nations
Volunteers Needed
Upcoming trip to Ethiopia-NEEDS
Upcoming Trip to Ethiopia
Im taking my sister to Ethiopia in less than one month and I am so excited.  There are quite a few things I need to bring over to the orphanages, street shelters, and to the guest house. 
Ways you can help: 
I need donations to cover the cost of the following items: 
  • Extra luggage fees-  Additional bag fees are $200 per bag for our international flight.  I have a lot of blankets I am bringing over for the shelters, as well as clothes, soccer supplies, bedding for the guesthouse, and more. 
                           Approximately $600-800
  • Money to bring supplies to the ministries we serve there.  The needs are on-going and the ministry is REALLY LOW right now.  I will need funds to help with the 3rd home, as well as other needs for the shelters, and childrens homes.   
                          Approximately $5,000.00
To Donate: 
go to and click on the support tab!!!!
We just want to thank you for all your prayers and support.  On behalf of the children we continue to serve:  THANK YOU!!!!!!!  May the Lord continue to richly bless you so that you can bless others!
"You will be generous to us SO THAT we can be generous to others on EVERY occasion"...2 Cor 9:11
Heavenly Hope Ministries                                     P.O. Box 1224                                                Fallbrook, CA 92028   
Contact Info:
To Donate go to: and click on the support tab!!!!