Monday, July 11, 2011

The Gideons- July Update

Gideon Scriptures Touch Lives Throughout The World In 2010-2011
We give all glory to God for every Scripture that is distributed and for every soul that comes to receive Christ as Lord and Savior as a direct result of these distributions.
We also recognize the importance of the support of our members and donors. Their faithful serving and giving help touch lives for Christ in ways that we’ll never fully realize until we get to Heaven.
With more than 158,000 Gideons and Auxiliary outside of the U.S., and nearly 129,000 more members in the U.S., Gideon Scriptures are being placed by our members at the rate of more than 2 per second, for as little as $1.24 a copy.
To date, we’ve distributed over 1.7 billion Scriptures in the world since our first placement in 1908 at the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana.
Today, there are an estimated 4 billion unsaved people in the world. That means there is still much more work for The Gideons International to do in our role along with other ministries in carrying out Christ’s command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV)
Please pray that 2011-2012 will be a year in which more Scriptures can be placed through The Gideons International to help win more men, women, boys and girls to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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