Monday, January 17, 2011

Dutton's- 3rd Orphanage

To see the latest pics from Street Church, the Boys Shelter, and Solomon, etc.  CLICK HERE:
Solomons adoption update: 
We serve a wonderful God!!!!
We got our court date!!!! Thank you so much for your prayers. If you recall in our last newsletter, we sent out an urgent request for help and prayer.
Well God moved mightily on both!!! Within 48 hours we had the entire amount for our adoption and we are PRAISING GOD!!!!!
We also just received news that our embassy date is January 27th!!!!  That was the last possible embassy date before we would have to return to the states, and with out the embassy appointment, Solomon would not have been able to return with us. 
THANK YOU GOD.  He can move every mountain!!!!
So, the last prayer needed is for favor in his embassy and that his age will be no concern.  After that is complete, he is officially able to come home with us in less than two weeks!!  
Again, we thank all of you for your help us to make one less orphan in the world by giving them a forever family!!
  HIV Positive child Healed:

"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power"...1 Cor 2:4
Today an incredible thing happened.  We have told you about the orphanage we have visited that is a really hard orphanage to see.  Since we have started visiting here, we have just loved on the kids, held them, changed their diapers, and most importantly: prayed over them.  We have prayed for God to touch their hearts, give their hearts peace living in these conditions, provide a way for them to have a family, and to heal them.  Many of the kids are sick, have horrible diaper rash, and some are in even worse condition. 
  We found out today that one of the kids we have prayed over is no long HIV positive!!!!  The worker told me with excitement how the child used to be HIV positive, but is now HIV negative!!!!!!!! 
 Can you believe this!!!  We are so excited, and are now encouraged to expect even more from God.  It is now our prayer that they would see so many healings that they couldn't deny God is there and is moving amongst these children in a mighty way.  We wanted to share with you the powerful truth that prayer is powerful, and that God infact still does hear and answer the prayers of His children. 
Please join us in continuing to lift up these children in prayer as well as the many others they represent who are suffering tremendously!!! 
We are believing for more miracles!!!  Amen!!
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The 3rd Orphanage has finally been purchased:
This past week we finally purchased the third orphanage!!!  We got the price for a lot less than we were originally expecting, which is also awesome!!!  It needs a lot of work, but we will be able to use the freed up funds to help repair, and prepare the place for the next set of children God has planned for us to help.  Please be in prayer over the selection of the children, and for new house moms and workers to be raised up!!!  Soon, more children will be coming off of the streets, and we are thanking EVERY ONE OF  YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!
As our time closes we are praising God for all he has done!  We have almost completely set up the guest house.  The boys shelter is open and the third orphanage has been purchased.  Please pray that our final time would be productive, successful, and most importantly, led by HIM. 
Specifically, we need prayer for the following:
  • That God would raise up the remaining workers for the guest house so we can walk away and every position is set and trained
  • God would provide a car by the time we get back.  At this time we do not have a car to fit our entire family. 
  • That God would continue to move mightily in the hearts of all we serve, support, train, and those who are yet to be served by HHM
To leave a comment, or donate visit our website at

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dutton's- Solomon Update

You all wont believe it. Our embassy appointment is January 27th which means he will be coming home with our family when we leave on the 31st!!!! Wow, God just blows me away!!! He can move every mountain.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dutton's- Thank God

THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING!!! We really need to be more thankful for everything God has given us. Warm showers, clean water, body parts that function, concrete floors, roofs, different meals every day, Walmart, so much more. Everything here is such a struggle. Everywhere you walk you see poverty, suffering, children alone, hunger, disease. I can't thank God enough for what HE has given us as Americans

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dutton's- Praise Update

GOD is SO FAITHFUL. We needed the remaining funds for our adoption immediately,  as the agency doing our adoption has refused to book an embassy appointment until everything was paid. We've been praying SO HARD, and God brought in over $ 7,000 in the last two days!!!! HE IS SO FAITHFUL. HE CAN MOVE EVERY MOUNTAIN.

Kathy Keller- Happy New Year

 Kathy Keller

Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
I hope you are doing well!

I have recently been on a vacation after a year of quite a bit of activity—2010.  I finished a home assignment, geared up for an internship, tried to spend lots of time getting involved with the community we are reaching, and enjoyed sharing God’s Word.  One of the biggest blessings of 2010 was seeing our Friday Club continue to grow and expand.  It has been so encouraging to see young people from our communities memorizing God’s Word.  Toward the end of the year I was trying to focus more on “being” with people as opposed to “doing”.  That can often be a difficult balance for me.

I have mentioned that in September 2011 through September of 2013 ReachGlobal and AIM will be teaming up to start a TIMO team to the people group that we are reaching.  We are working diligently on that right now.  We have a good team forming and we are excited about what God has in store for this new team.  Please be in prayer for that.  I will be in the states through mid-February in an effort to do a few things to get ready for this team.  One of those things will be attending a growth seminar in January.  I am excited to learn more about how to be the best team leader that I can possibly be.  Would you pray for me in this area?   Pray that God will give me wisdom and discernment and growth in areas such as understanding others, loving others deeply, wisdom in helping others deal with their cultural adjustments and ministries, and just for increased godliness overall.  Please pray for me right now that I would have a deep sense of God’s sovereign will and plans—I know that so well in my mind, but sometimes it isn’t in my heart.

Your prayers for me are truly appreciated.  Words cannot express how much I know that God works through His people for His Kingdom purposes.

I hope to write a longer letter in the next month or so.  Look for that!

Thank you!

Kathy Keller 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dutton's- Solomon's Adoption

As you know, its not often that we send out an urgent request for some help!!!!  We are only doing so as a last resort as we have received an email from our agency that they are not going to schedule our embassy appointment, which is the final required step of completing our adoption, until we have paid everything.

What this means is this:  We leave Ethiopia in a little over 3 1/2 weeks and will not be able to bring Solomon home with us if we do not get our appointment before then.  According to our adoption agency it will take at least 2 weeks from their request to even get the appointment.  We know they are able to make this appointment and give us a little more time to receive the final funds, and while I completely understand that they want to make sure they receive their full payment (which we know God will provide) we also know that their is a lot of warfare going on with this adoption, with the ministry, and with the family.
Solomon will have lived with us for 2 months, and it would be traumatizing to have to send him back to the orphanage and come back for him once it's scheduled.

Please PRAY for:
God to move the agencies heart to set the appointment now, and that He would provide the remaining funds in the mean time.  

The embassy to have favor on Solomon and that his age would not be an issue.

That the Lord would move QUICKLY  to provide the remaining funds which are approximately $7,000.  We know that this is nothing to God and that this adoption is His will.

 If you feel led to help bring Solomon home, you can give online at 
***Please note
that we can not receive funds from Heavenly Hope Ministries for this adoption, so you must select DUTTON on the project you would like to support on the drop down tab.   THANK YOU!!!!


We officially have our first guests.  They are actually overflow from another well- known guest house in Ethiopia, and so God is amazingly bringing in funds already though we aren't officially open yet.  They will be paying to rent our facilities and since they are licensed, they have all their staff, and are running all the operations.

While we are blown away by how soon the Lord has brought us guests, (we're not even open yet) we are also in IMMEDIATE need of a washer and dryer.  As of right now we only have one pair of sheets for each bed, and no washer or dryer.  In a few days, we have to change sheets, and are not sure of how this will work as we can not hand wash and dry 11 sets of bedding in one day!!!

We are again HUMBLY asking for provision from our faithful supporters.  This guest house isn't just a place to stay, this guest house is a continual fund raiser for all of our ministries and will do a lot to multiply funds to feed more, clothe more, and help MANY MORE than we could ever have by just receiving donations alone!!! 

If you feel led to help, please visit our DONATE page on our website at  You can select GUESTHOUSE on the drop down tab.

           THANK YOU!!!!                   THANK YOU!!!!                         THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

 We want to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  MAY THE LORD RICHLY BLESS YOU FOR ALL YOU ARE DOING AND HAVE DONE TO HELP THOSE IN NEED.  Every one of you play a vital role in the success of this ministry and IN BEING HIS HANDS AND FEET!!!!!   WE LOVE AND ARE BLESSED BY ALL OF YOU TREMENDOUSLY!!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dutton's-New Guest House

Heavenly Hope Ministries The guest house officially has guests!!! They are through another Guest house who needed room for overflow and rented it out. We are praising God for already bringing provision before we are even open!!!