Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kathy Keller- Happy New Year

 Kathy Keller

Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
I hope you are doing well!

I have recently been on a vacation after a year of quite a bit of activity—2010.  I finished a home assignment, geared up for an internship, tried to spend lots of time getting involved with the community we are reaching, and enjoyed sharing God’s Word.  One of the biggest blessings of 2010 was seeing our Friday Club continue to grow and expand.  It has been so encouraging to see young people from our communities memorizing God’s Word.  Toward the end of the year I was trying to focus more on “being” with people as opposed to “doing”.  That can often be a difficult balance for me.

I have mentioned that in September 2011 through September of 2013 ReachGlobal and AIM will be teaming up to start a TIMO team to the people group that we are reaching.  We are working diligently on that right now.  We have a good team forming and we are excited about what God has in store for this new team.  Please be in prayer for that.  I will be in the states through mid-February in an effort to do a few things to get ready for this team.  One of those things will be attending a growth seminar in January.  I am excited to learn more about how to be the best team leader that I can possibly be.  Would you pray for me in this area?   Pray that God will give me wisdom and discernment and growth in areas such as understanding others, loving others deeply, wisdom in helping others deal with their cultural adjustments and ministries, and just for increased godliness overall.  Please pray for me right now that I would have a deep sense of God’s sovereign will and plans—I know that so well in my mind, but sometimes it isn’t in my heart.

Your prayers for me are truly appreciated.  Words cannot express how much I know that God works through His people for His Kingdom purposes.

I hope to write a longer letter in the next month or so.  Look for that!

Thank you!

Kathy Keller 

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