Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dutton's- God's Heart

‎"When we say we have a heart for the USA we are admitting that we have a meager 5% of Gods heart & we are proud of it. When we say we have a heart for the city we live in, we confess that we have less than 1 % of Gods heart. Certainly there are great needs here. But must we insist on dividing the Great Commission into an either or proposition? Who told us we had to have a heart for the USA OR the world?"..David Platt
 Terina Dutton cont..."based on the purposes of God we've seen in Scripture, shouldn't EVERY CHRISTIANs heart be ultimately consumed with how we can make Gods glory know in all the world..." from the book "Radical" by David Platt

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Gideons- July Update

Gideon Scriptures Touch Lives Throughout The World In 2010-2011
We give all glory to God for every Scripture that is distributed and for every soul that comes to receive Christ as Lord and Savior as a direct result of these distributions.
We also recognize the importance of the support of our members and donors. Their faithful serving and giving help touch lives for Christ in ways that we’ll never fully realize until we get to Heaven.
With more than 158,000 Gideons and Auxiliary outside of the U.S., and nearly 129,000 more members in the U.S., Gideon Scriptures are being placed by our members at the rate of more than 2 per second, for as little as $1.24 a copy.
To date, we’ve distributed over 1.7 billion Scriptures in the world since our first placement in 1908 at the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana.
Today, there are an estimated 4 billion unsaved people in the world. That means there is still much more work for The Gideons International to do in our role along with other ministries in carrying out Christ’s command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV)
Please pray that 2011-2012 will be a year in which more Scriptures can be placed through The Gideons International to help win more men, women, boys and girls to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dutton's- Summer Update 2011

Heavenly Hope Ministries
Summer Update

Many of you have heard us talk about Athletes for the  Nations.  While the Lord gave us the name of this ministry last year, we are only beginning to see the full vision God has for it and we are beyond excited!!!  We will be officially announcing it within the next 2 weeks and are going to share more of the vision with you then.  WE CAN'T WAIT!!!  Please stay tuned for its official launching. 
Volunteers Needed: 
 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field"
...Luke 10:2
As the Lord continues to build and grow the ministry and the amount of people we serve, we can no longer accomplish all that needs to be done without others joining us to help serve.  The need for more workers is quickly becoming a reality. 
  If you are looking for ways to serve the Lord by giving your time, talents, and resources then we need you!  There are a few different opportunities to help serve. 
  We are looking for people to host fundraisers as well as write grants.  We are looking for people who are gifted in  marketing.  We are looking for people who can help us create more funds to meet the rising needs of those we are serving.  We are looking for someone to help with the administration of running the guesthouse in Ethiopia.  If you are interested in serving the Lord in any of these areas, please let us know! 
Thank you!!!
In this issue
Athletes For The Nations
Volunteers Needed
Upcoming trip to Ethiopia-NEEDS
Upcoming Trip to Ethiopia
Im taking my sister to Ethiopia in less than one month and I am so excited.  There are quite a few things I need to bring over to the orphanages, street shelters, and to the guest house. 
Ways you can help: 
I need donations to cover the cost of the following items: 
  • Extra luggage fees-  Additional bag fees are $200 per bag for our international flight.  I have a lot of blankets I am bringing over for the shelters, as well as clothes, soccer supplies, bedding for the guesthouse, and more. 
                           Approximately $600-800
  • Money to bring supplies to the ministries we serve there.  The needs are on-going and the ministry is REALLY LOW right now.  I will need funds to help with the 3rd home, as well as other needs for the shelters, and childrens homes.   
                          Approximately $5,000.00
To Donate: 
go to www.bringHishope.org and click on the support tab!!!!
We just want to thank you for all your prayers and support.  On behalf of the children we continue to serve:  THANK YOU!!!!!!!  May the Lord continue to richly bless you so that you can bless others!
"You will be generous to us SO THAT we can be generous to others on EVERY occasion"...2 Cor 9:11
Heavenly Hope Ministries                                     P.O. Box 1224                                                Fallbrook, CA 92028   
Contact Info: heavenlyhopeministries@gmail.com
To Donate go to:  www.bringHishope.org and click on the support tab!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dutton's- Please Help

Thank you for all your support.  We are in a time where we need everyone to stand up and do their part.  The need around the world is great and sometimes overwhelming, but if we all do our part, we can truly make a difference. Would you please join us in praying for the over 150 million orphans around the world, provision for HHM and its missionaries, His wisdom for the leaders of HHM, and pray that God would use YOU to make a difference. 

Thank you again and may God bless each and every one of you!!!

EFCA- Update June 2011

The Value of Special Needs to the Body of Christ

 Breaking News: Over 15 EFCA families evacuated given historic flooding in Minot, ND. The EFCA is responding. 

News & Events



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