Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Gideons- Sharing God's Word

Sharing God’s Word In A Dangerous Land
Supplying 75% of the world's cocaine, Colombia is a country in desperate need of God’s Word. Because of the drug trade, crime is very high, especially kidnapping. Corruption and guerilla activity are rampant as well.

The Gideons said they saw no opposition to God or His Son by the people of Colombia. “Everyone believed in God and Jesus, but they had not been told that they needed to repent and receive Jesus.”
During the two weeks, 436,602 copies of God’s Word were distributed. But as the ISB team leader said, “This ISB was not only about placing a large number of Scriptures, but about a large number of souls saved.”
In schools, prisons, jails, military installations, medical facilities, police stations and fire departments, people were excited to hear about God’s plan of salvation.
The team leader said that in the 12 ISBs he has been on, he had never seen so many one-on-one conversions. Thousands and thousands of group decisions were also recorded.
The first Gideon camp in Colombia was organized in 1959. Today there are 118 Gideon camps in Colombia with 1,773 Gideons and 1,132 Auxiliary.
We praise God for all of the men, women, boys and girls who will come to know Christ as a result of the Scriptures placed during this blitz. We thank the Gideons who participated in this blitz, sacrificing their time and money. We also thank our donors, pastors and other supporters for helping us raise funds to purchase the Scriptures.
In September, 7,856,663 copies of God’s Word were placed outside the U.S. through The Gideons International. Thank you members and donors for your help in making this possible. All glory goes to God.

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