Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dutton's- Urgent Appeal April 2012

  Heavenly Hope Ministries

“Throwing touchdowns, bringing Hope”
We are 6 games into the season with 10 more to go.  At this point, John has thrown 36 touchdowns. 
For every touchdown that John throws, we want it to be for a PURPOSE.   To do so, we need your help.  We are looking for people to make a pledge for every touchdown John throws during the 2012 season.
WHY:Every day almost 6000 children become orphans. Every 6 seconds a child dies of starvation. Every night millions of children go to bed with out food or shelter.  Every minute we have a CHOICE: we can CHOOSE to help care for those orphans, to feed those hungry bellies, and to help those in need; or we can CHOOSE to look away.
By joining JD’s Touchdown club you are CHOOSING to bring HELP and HOPE to those in need. Your donations will go to help the poor, orphaned, and destitute all over the world.  
You make a decision to join JD's Touchdown Club.  Lets say, for example, you pledge $1 per touchdown thrown this season.  In 2012, John throws 100 touchdowns, so your total pledge would be $100 total.  (100 touchdowns is his average total for any given season). 
Your payment would not be processed until the season is over and we contact you first.   
For more information or to sign up:


We want to thank you for your support of Heavenly Hope Ministries on behalf of those we are serving all over world.  The ministry work and its success is because of the Lord, and YOU!!!


We are doing an Immediate Fund Challenge to help meet some of the URGENT needs of the ministry. 
If you make a donation by Sunday, April 29th we will send you one of the following options: a free bag of fresh, fair trade Ethiopian coffee, a free ministry shirt, or BOTH!!!

 •If you make a donation of $25 or more, you will receive a bag of Fresh, Ethiopian coffee for your generosity.
 •If you make a donation of $50 or more, you will receive a free ministry t-shirt (see available tees below).
 •If you make a donation in the amount of $100 or more, you will receive a free ministry t-shirt AND a fresh bag of Ethiopian coffee. 


Click here to go to our donate page:

***MAKE SURE YOU ADD IMMEDIATE FUND CHALLENGE in the comment section******

All donations are tax-deductible and will go to help continue the ministry work we are doing all over the world. 
We can't do it with out you and we NEED your support! 


There are 4 different styles of shirts:
The top shirt is the shirt you would receive for an order of $100 or more.  It is a REALLY SOFT baseball style tee. 
The second picture is of the logo, which is on a nice black classic fitted t-shirt, which is also SUPER SOFT.  This shirt is the shirt you will receive with an order of $50 or more. 
We also have a Men's Shirt that says Athletes for the Nations and is a black long sleeve tee. 
I can email pictures if you are wanting to see the other shirts available with your donation. 

We are currently partnering with Hemisphere Coffee Roasters to provide you with Fresh, Fair trade, Coffee from all over the world.  If you are interested in purchasing coffee please let us know.  We would love to assist you.  The purchase of a bag of coffee will help to support the work of Heavenly Hope Ministries as well as the farmers, families, communities, and churches they support.  
For more information about Heavenly Hope Ministries, to send us a comment, or ask a question, please feel free to contact us at: or give us a call at 303-731-9426

We thank you for your support! 


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