Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Gideons- New Camps in Ghana

Gideons Share God’s Word In Ghana
The Gideons first opened a camp in Ghana in 1966. With the 5 new camps in Ghana, there are 106 Gideon camps there total. To date, more than 21 million Scriptures have been placed there through The Gideons International.
In 1957, Ghana became the first nation in colonial Africa to gain independence. Today, more than 24 million people live in Ghana. There has been a significant increase in evangelical churches in the more developed South over the past 15 years, however 70% of Ghana’s villages still have no evangelical church.
Please pray for our new Gideon camps in Ghana, as well as those in the rest of the country. And pray for open doors for Gideons to distribute large quantities of God’s Word there as the people of Ghana are more receptive than ever to the Gospel.

1 comment:

  1. My wife, Mercia, and I, yesterday walked through the 'year end' stalls in Hartenbos. surely the most popular vacation place in SA in December. Thousands of people visit these stalls situated on the sidewalks and other spaces in the small town. We passed a stall where a man sat behind a stack of pots, but looking 'fairly' bored. We stopped to say 'hello' as we could see he was not South African. When he saw my Gideon badge on my coller, his face lightende up, he gave me a hug, and could not stop praising the Lord. His name is Theo Aguda, from Ghana. We were both blessed by the sharing of the Lord 's love for us and we left,with joy in the heart. Gideons. Wear your badges, where-ever you go. It opens a door and nobody can close it.
