Monday, December 9, 2013

Good Samaritan's Home Ministry (Update Dec. 2013)

Dear GSH Supporters,
   Hearty greetings to you from India and from our own chilly Siskiyou County! The low temperatures in India are in the upper 60's and low 70's in December, but that is COLD to them! We spoke with Pastor Joseph today and one of his prayer requests is for good physical health for him since he is exposed to "cold" night air as he is preaching in different places each night. He specifically wanted prayer for the  Rajahmundry city wide Christmas celebration on Saturday Dec. 14th from 7pm-10pm. He said that thousands of citizens, pastors and politicians will be there and he will be the main speaker--posters of him are all over the city! Please pray that He would be led by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel message.
We are in the process of compiling a mailing that will update you on all the GSH  ministries, but we didn't want you to miss out on the latest from Pastor Joseph as well as the current ministries needs list. Watch for the mail update in the next couple weeks and be encouraged that your prayers and financial support are accomplishing amazing things in the lives of the poor in Rajahmundry, India.
To God be the glory!
    The Board of Good Samaritan's Home Ministries
Good Samaritan’s Home Ministries Needs Assessment
November 2013
G S Home for Children Building Fund:
$110,000 still needed to complete the 2 building project for home/school
14  sponsors needed at $50.00 each
$500.00 per year needed for Rani’s 4 university years of nursing education DONE!
$500.00 per year needed for Satya’s 4 university years of nursing education DONE!
$50.00 per month for Sujanna (9 year old HIV child rescued as a newborn by Kolamuri family)
$50.00 per month for Hagar, Sujanna’s mother (rent, food, utilities)
7  new sponsors needed at $25.00 each (19 total including 2 men)
Vadlamuru Village:
Medical clinic: glucometer; IV pole; IV fluid; scale (cost to be determined)
Begin a widows/lepers/mentally ill assistance program (Approx 8…numbers yet to be determined)
1 computer ($500.00) and 5 tables ($150.00) for the local school children DONE!
20 ceiling fans at $25.00 each ($500.00)
Island Ministry:
Solar light replacements ($300.00 for bulbs and batteries for 2 presently non-functioning lights)
Add another solar light to make 3 total on island ($600.00)
Church building thatched roof repair of $700.00 (roof been in existence for 7 years)
Leper Colony Ministry:
Increase rice/dahl distribution to once a month rather than every 2 months ($200.00 per month)
Roof repair (caulking for leaks)
Additional 15 ceiling fans at $25.00 each ($375.00)
Gospel Work Ministry:
(Current) Weekly TV Broadcasting of sermons on 4 Christian channels ($600.00 per week)
(Desired) Weekly TV Broadcasting of sermons on 1 secular channel ($800.00 per week)

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