Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Brother Joseph- Spring Update

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hearty Spring Greetings to all GSH Friends and Supporters!!

It has been about six months since we have updated you on how God is working through our friends in Rajahmundry, India. This is a short update with a few prayer requests for some exciting upcoming events.
To begin with, work is continuing on the building project for the school, church and children's home.  Because GSH was able to purchase additional property for an amazing deal last year, the ground preparation and boundary wall construction is still in process. However, Bro. Joseph estimates that the additional fill should be in place within a few weeks and construction of the remainder of the wall will commence.
Bro. Joseph has been away from home preaching at a Gospel Crusade.  When he returns home he is planning to meet with an engineer to commission the preparation of plans for the children's home.  Please pray for wisdom and foresight for Bro. Joseph and the engineer as they work together to design a permanent home for the children.
From June 7th through June 9th, Bro. Joseph will be hosting a Gospel Crusade at Mercy Colony in Rajahmundry.  Please join him in prayer for at least 2,000 people to attend and hear the good news.  Pray also that many will not just hear the news, but that many will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.  Bro. Joseph has invited a famous actress to attend and share her testimony.  This actress is a former Muslim who was recently saved by the One True God, and her presence may help to bring in an even larger audience.  Please join in prayer with all those in Rajahmundry who are working so hard to share the good news, that God will pour out His Spirit during this Gospel Crusade and save many Indian souls.
GSH India will soon be sending GSH USA a DVD with updated photos of the children.  We will be able to share those with you as soon as they are available.
Thank you again for all the support through your prayers and finances.  May God continue to bless you and your families with hearts fully committed to Him as we enter the summer season.

Bro. Gregg

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