Monday, May 2, 2011

Kathy Keller- May 2011 Update

Hello Friends!

Wow, I feel like it has been awhile since I last wrote a personal update about life and ministry!  Quite a few things have happened since the last time I wrote. I am excited to get this opportunity to fill you in.  Please read the below email.

As you probably remember Laura and I scheduled a trip to Madagascar to learn from a TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team.  We learned a ton and are so thankful that Marlene, the team leader, gave so much of her time to us.  

Now we are ready to keep gearing up for the start of our team in September.  Please pray the team members will be able, by God’s amazing grace, to raise the funds they need to come.  We have three couples and two single girls joining us for this two year adventure.  This is such a huge answer to our prayers! 

Since I last wrote I also had to send my computer back to the states for surgery!  That made communicating slow down quite a bit.  I am thankful though that our home office staff has been so helpful in getting me back in the game in terms of technology.  I am thankful for that.  Please forgive me if I have been slow in responding to you!

Since I last wrote we decided to move, moved, and now I am writing from our new apartment.    We literally moved three doors down!  We basically moved because the new landlord was willing to give us a deal that would help us to get our rent costs a bit lower. Our new place has about 40 apartments all filled with people from the community we are trying to reach and is across the street from a major Mosque that some of our people attend . It is a privilege to be here.  We are excited about plans to invite families from our old place over to see our new place.  Pray God will give us opportunities to continue the relationships we have formed with them and also for lots of new relationships at our new place too!

We do have some upcoming things you can be in prayer about too.  Pray for our ongoing Friday Club.  We are encouraged by the group of about thirty five M and H kids that are attending.  Pray for the them as they hear God’s Word!  Please especially pray for Abbas and Shabir as I am teaching them and would love to see God work in their lives in radical ways.  In addition, we will restart two of our Saturday Clubs beginning in May for six weeks. Pray for us as we reconnect with kids that we have been sharing with over the last couple of years.  Pray for Taylor who is going to join us for about a month starting in May.  Pray for our two summer teams coming—one for Bamba 1 and 2 and one for a HindXu School English Camp and one for a MusXlm School English Camp.  Pray that God will use both these teams to be a light among unreached people.  Keep praying for God to prepare the hearts of our TIMO members.  Pray that God would help us find great homes for each of them and to furnish them in a way that would be cost effective, but also culturally appropriate, as well as in a way that they (the team members) will enjoy.

Lastly, a few weeks ago I needed to go out to Bamba to get our contracts looked over by the Bamba manager.  I was able to take Lucy and her daughters. Lucy works for us.  It was a fun day!     We will pass out fliers this week in schools—please pray that MANY students (those who have come previously as well as those who would be first timers) would get the flier and quickly sign up.  Pray that MANY students from the community we work in would get permission from their parents to come.  Pray God would use Bamba 1 & 2 this year to bring kids to the Lord

Have a good week!

In His Grace,


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