Monday, November 12, 2012

Dutton's- Praise Report 11-2012

“For this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality—at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, “HE WHO gathered MUCH DID NOT HAVE TOO MUCH, AND HE WHO gathered LITTLE HAD NO LACK”...2 Cor 8:13-15-
In This Issue:
  • End of the year gift
  • Stats of Christian Spending
  • Current Update/ Needs
  • Catalog Request for Project Tesfa
  • Automatic Monthly Donations
"To whom MUCH is given, MUCH is required"...Luke 12:48
·If you have a fridge, bed, roof, & clothes in your closet you are in the top 75% richest in the world.
· If you make $10,066- you are in the top !6% in worlds wealth.
· If your net worth is $61,000-you are one of the 10% richest IN THE WORLD.
·½ of world lives on less than $2/dollars a day.
·Over 1 billion attempt to live on $1/ day.
·It would take an estimated $13 billion to provide basic nutrition to every starving person in the entire world.

Christians in the US spend:
· $3 billion/ year on bottled
· $4 billion/ year on
· $7 billion on sports events
· $11 billion a year on
· $13 billion a year on pets
and also on diet programs
· $17 billion a year on golf
and also on boating
· $20 billion a year on soft
· $21 billion on cable TV
· $76 billion a year on
eating out
WE LIVE in the top 2%-5% in world!!! We have been given MUCH. What are we doing to bless others with what we have?
Do we spend more on our vacations, remodels, pleasures, clothes, and extras in a month than we do on the poor, orphaned, and needy?
Billy Graham said this: "give me 5 minutes with a persons checkbook and fincancial records and I will tell you where his heart is".
If someone were to look over our financial records what would they say of us. Would they see one who's heart for the poor, orphaned, and needy of this world spilled over into their pocketbook? Would they be blown away by the generosity and lack of selfishness reflected by what was recorded?
That is my hope, my encouragement, and my challenge, and I hope that it is yours as well.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"
...2 Cor 9:7.
Would you be willing to join the Heavenly Hope Ministries Automated Giving Program? Sign up on our webpage to donate a certain amount per month (any amount from $5 a month and up), and we will send you a bag of fresh Ethiopian Coffee.
Click HERE to sign up today. When you get to the FREQUENCY drop down tab select MONTHLY.
Thanks to our ministry partners, One Child Campaign, over $20,000 was just donated for the completion of Shoni, the 3rd orphanage we are working together on in Ethiopia.
This is a huge praise report! Currently there are over 25 kids in the sponsorship program here, and hopefully soon, we will begin to move some of them into their new home!
M.A.R.K 10:14:
6 months of rent and food were just provided for the kids shelter. This is a huge praise report!!! The are still many things needed for the kids in the M.A.R.K 10:14 ministry including:
  • CLOTHES & SHOES-Summer clothes and shoes are needed for the kids in the shelter.
  • PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS-soap, toothpaste, etc.
  • HOLIDAYS-Money for the purchase of food and gifts are needed for the kids in the shelter.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. To make a donation to support the ministry please click Here: Make sure to select the program you are wanting to support on the drop down tab.
"I wanted to ask the Lord why He allows starvation, poverty, orphans, etc. but I was afraid He would ask me the same question".
As the end of the year approaches we want to encourage you to get your tax deductible donation in! The needs of the ministry are greater than ever as we continue to grow and partner with other organizations in working for His kingdom and His children.
At this time, the funds of the ministry are lower than they have ever been. We are partnered with a lot of amazing ministries, doing amazing things for His kingdom, but are finding that we can't support them in the work they are doing.
With your generosity, we currently have over 100 children in the child sponsorship program through the 3 orphanages, we are working with street kids through the M.A.R.K 10:14 program, are involved in family sponsorships, and are partnered with 4 at-risk women's groups. Not only this, but we know of MANY other amazing ministries that are looking for support in the work they are doing.
I have received email after email of pastors who are unable to feed or provide the basic neccessities for the orphans they are caring for in their church. I get pleas from pastors serving our brothers and sisters in countries of great persecution towards Christians, who are unable to provide basic needs for members in their churches where the husbands, being the only financial supporter of their families, have been put in prison for their faith.
Time after time my response is the same, "Im sorry, we can't take on any other projects at this time". Easy to read, but I can't tell you how hard it actually is to tell a pastor you have nothing to give and the feeling of knowing how hard it must be to hear another NO in a desperate situation. IT IS A HEAVY BURDEN.
While I know we can't save the world, and I must not carry a burden that the Lord hasn't given me, I do feel the burden of knowing that we, as a church, can do so much more! When I see the stats of how much we spend on so many temporal things I know that we can do so much more and I want to challenge you to join us in doing just that!

We, TOGETHER, can change the world one life, one family, one community at a time.
What are you willing to sacrifice to join me in this cause? We have been given the resources to end world hunger, give the entire world clean drinking water, and more. Will we???
Heavenly Hope Ministries will be releasing its first ever Project Tesfa Catalog. It will be full of items you can purchase for Christmas gifts as well as gifts for any other occasion throughout the year.
It will have items made by women in Africa such as scarves, handbags/ purses, and beaded jewelry, as well as coffee, silver jewelry, and body products.
For more information about Project Tesfa check out our new website at:
Heavenly Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028

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