Monday, November 19, 2012

Dutton's- Thanksgiving Message 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Issue November 19, 2012

What we are thankful for....
As this time of year approaches, I think it is a great opportunity to truly think about all that the Lord has done in our lives. It is beyond me to comprehend that the God of the universe, to Whom the earth is His footstool, actually loves and cares for all His children and works in our lives in so many ways. So many times we tend to lose sight on all the things He has provided, what He has protected us from, and how many ways He has worked things for good, as we tend to focus our eyes on the things that we don't like or are wrong in our lives, society, etc.
As I take this time to shift my eyes upward, I find so many things to thank Him for: A roof over my head, clean water, medicine, sanitation, plumbing, hot water, food, dessert, protection, healthy children, vision, hearing, the ability to walk, the ability to eat food, the ability to smell, my family, friends, ministry, and SO MUCH more. I also want to take the time to THANK HIM FOR YOU and FOR YOUR SUPPORT of Heavenly Hope MInistries.

We can't thank you enough for your prayers and generosity. Sometimes it is difficult to continue the work: Opening up our lives to the pain, suffering, and need of others can be heavy, exhausting, messy, and difficult. I also know that it has been the most rewarding, amazing, growing, and wonderful things that God has ever done in our lives and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
It is in large part because of YOU that we are able to continue to serve the "least of these" for His glory. If it weren't for your generosity, we couldn't meet the needs of others. If it weren't for your prayers, we wouldn't have the strength, guidance, and protection needed to continue on. In Exodus 17:10-13 we see that when Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands, Israel would win. Prior to that, whenever Moses' hands fell, Israel would start losing. It took his partners holding up his hands when he became too tired, for them to gain the victory.

It is the same with us. We need each other, the body of Christ, and all our supporters to hold up our hands, so that we can continue to gain the victory in the lives of those we serve. So, we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!
May you have a wonderful THANKSGIVING filled with His peace, joy, love, and blessings.
In Him,
John & Terina Dutton

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