Friday, March 25, 2011

Dutton's- Email Scam Alert

Terina Dutton
  • Hi Guys,

    SO sorry to bother you. Someone has hacked into our email account and they are sending out email that are not from us!!! We are not sure if we should cancel the account, but do not respond to it. They are writing from me saying I lost my passport and Im stuck in London and need money. They sign it from both John & I and even put our bible verse on there!!! (CRAZY PEOPLE)!!!!!

    Anyways, for now, do not respond to our emails, and please email your email address to Its an old account, but we can recollect all your info.

    All of our inbox items, contracts, imp. saved emails, contacts, attachments, pics, everything was deleted. This is great, since we aren't busy at all, and have nothing else to do, I'll just work on regathering all this for the next week!!!! :o)

    So, if you sent us an email and we dont respond, SORRY!

    I hope your all doing WONDERFUL and have a blessed day!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dutton's- John's Injured Playing Football


BUMMER....John will have surgery on his achilles on Wednesday. First game of the season...yes, he's 35, but he played the best he's ever played and looked awesome! Oh well, God knows and there is a plan though we can't see it.
Please pray for John. He had an amazing game tonight, but we think he tore his achilles tendon late in the 4th quarter! God is still in control, and I'm believing for his healing.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wycliffe- Continue to Pray for Laura

v    Petite Peeks    v

There is an amazing little word used by several of those who penned Scripture. It is the word “YET”. For Laura and I this is becoming our word. Yet. YET!

Read verse 17of Habakkuk 3 – the situation – seems pretty hopeless, doesn’t it?
17 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,
and there are no grapes on the vines;
even though the olive crop fails,
and the fields lie empty and barren;
even though the flocks die in the fields,
and the cattle barns are empty,
Now check out verse 18 – the response – in light of the situation it sounds almost crazy, doesn’t it? Completely foolish. But take a closer look at the words “in the LORD”. Try reading the first line of verse 18 with those words and then without…
18 YET I will rejoice in the LORD!
I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!
Now for the last verse in the book of Habakkuk – the reason for our joy – He gives us strength and hope!
19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength!
He makes me as surefooted as a deer,
able to tread upon the heights.

Yesterday we heard the dreaded words from our doctor, “Another melanoma... Stage 4…” So that’s the situation. Verse 17 above has come true for us. Now we’re at verse 18. Please continue to pray. Now that everyone sees how big Goliath is, it will be God who receives all the glory if He should decide to remove him. Whether He does or not, we’re in verse 18.

We’ll be going back down to the UC San Francisco Melanoma Center on Monday for several days, and the results from one final test should be in by then. The test is to see if Laura can take a new drug in clinical trial that’s shown some good promise for people who have a certain gene type. 50% of people have the gene, and the drug has few side effects and could add perhaps another 6 months to life expectancy (which is normally 6-12 months for stage 4 melanoma). We’re praying that Laura would have that gene type. We’re also praying for complete healing. We’ll update you next week.

Steve and Laura


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dutton's- Pictures from Ethiopia and Update

 Heavenly Hope Ministries: Pictures from Ethiopia and The Latest Updates...

 ""Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute"...Prov 31:8

A girl in Shoni, the town where we purchased the 3rd orphanage


John with some of the kids from Solomon's hometown


The Street kids reading the bibles they received for Christmas



 The kids at the Boys shelter eating a Christmas meal


(Alex & Joel w/ boys)

The temporary shelter that we were helping to pay for the street boys to sleep at until the shelter opened up.  John & Joel stayed there with the boys one night.   As John explained "for me, this was the worst possible sleeping arrangements I could imagine.  I couldn't sleep, and it was so uncomfortable-filfthy dirty, bugs, etc.  But as I lay there, I realized that for these boys, this place was a huge blessing as they weren't sleeping out on the street at night".  They even locked them in at night so they couldn't leave.  Good thing both Joel & John had a stomach bug that day! (and no, there was no toilet) :o)  They did make it through the night just fine however!!! 

The view from the bed John slept in that night...


All of us at the New Shelter which opened soon before we left...



In Holeta near Covenant Orphanage...

John took Solomon to his hometown (over 11 hours from Addis).  The village was a hard area.  The lady on the right told John: "If you take my picture again I will kill you"...  John asked Solomon if she was serious, and he said "yes"...  YIKES!!! :o)

Another kid near Shoni, the town where we just purchased the 3rd childrens home.  As you can see it is an area of great need.  We now need funds to begin fixing up the home to prepare it for more kids!!! 

 Latest Update: 

In this issue:  (Below)
JD's Touchdown Club-  3rd Annual Fundraiser kicks off this weekend

GuestHouse-  Recently, I sat down with a friend telling her all the amazing things God did to help us set up the guesthouse.  She reads our newsletters, but had no idea all God did during our time there and said "you need to share that with people.  You can read some of it below...
What your support has accomplished-  We just wanted to give you an overall update as to all that you are doing through your support as well as what is next!!

 JD’s Touchdown Club

Once again, we are launching our biggest fundraiser of the year; JD's Touchdown Club.  John's football season starts this weekend against the Spokane Shock.  For every touchdown that John throws, we want it to be for a purpose.  We are looking for people to make a pledge for every touchdown thrown during the 2011 season. 

For example, you can donate $1 per touchdown thrown this season.  On average John throws 100 touchdowns a season, so your total pledge would be $100.  Please sign up today!!!!

We will not charge you until the regular season is over in July. 
 See Ad below: 

 “Throwing touchdowns, bringing Hope”

 Every day almost 6000 children become orphans. Every 6 seconds a child dies of starvation. Every minute we have a choice: we can choose to help care for those orphans, to feed those hungry bellies, and to help those in need; or we can choose to look away and do little or nothing.

What is your choice???

Please choose to join JD’s TD Club and bring HELP and HOPE to those in need. Your donations will go to support Heavenly Hope Ministries and its projects serving the poor, and destitute in both in Africa & in the Cleveland area.

Click here for more information or to sign up:

Providence Guest House:  (PGH)

During our time in Ethiopia we actually set up a guesthouse/ base for missions.  The vision of Providence Guest House started during a time of prayer last spring. The Lord had burdened our hearts with the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14. We felt the Lord challenging us  to multiply funds for the ministry and to be "good and faithful servants who went to work at once to turn 5 talents into 10"...vs 16
  We began to ask the Lord to show us ways to, in good stewardship, multiply our funds to help feed, cloth, and help more. During prayer, the Lord gave us the vision of the guest house/ base for missions and we knew He was leading us to go and get it started right away.

  During our time in Africa, the Lord not only brought every detail together for us, including the place, the workers, and the funds (these were all mighty moves of His hands); he even gave me a dream about the providence of God. I woke up questioning: "I wonder why He wants me to know more about the providence of God".

I did a study on it and tucked it away. As it came time to name the guesthouse, we prayed about the name and the Lord gave us "Providence Guest House". When I went back to my study notes and saw what Providence meant I was blown away. It comes from two greek words: foresight & provision. The definition is: The wisdom, care, and guidance provided by God. Under provision it's explained as Gods provision and care for his people.

  What's incredible, is that this is the vision of PGH. It is about providing for more of his people through the multiplying of funds so that we can feed, clothe, and help more of His children, His families, His people. All proceeds from PGH go directly back to help the ministries we serve. 

  Another amazing provision was in our training.  After we set up the entire 7 bedroom place (WHEWWW), we had to begin training our staff.  Since my college major had nothing to do with "operating a guesthouse" (talk about "choosing the foolish things of the world to shame the wise"...)  I was praying heavily for the Lord to direct us with all of it.  Not even 2 weeks after we began to set it up, the Lord sent an amazing answer to prayer.  One of the most successful guesthomes in Ethiopia had too many guests, and needed "overflow".  They rented out our entire guesthome, but brought in all of their own staff.  We were able to watch, learn, and "train" our staff with the most successful guesthouse in Ethiopia. 


  PGH is situated to host short term teams, missionaries, adoptive families, or individuals wanting to go to Africa.  In the short time we have been open, we have already hosted many people and the Lord is multiplying quickly.  The amazing thing is that we are almost fully booked already this month, and we haven't even advertised yet!!!  God is doing it already!!!
   We are now in the states and will be setting up short term trips to go and see all the ministry work going on in Ethiopia.  If you are interested in going, let us know!  We will be planning a trip for the fall. 

Please pass it along to all of your friends and people serving in Ethiopia.  We would love to host them or any of their teams.  All they need to do is contact me for more information.  We will also have a website up soon. 

What your money has been doing all over the world: 

We wanted to share with you all that your donations have been doing.  Because of YOU, another orphanage has been purchased and will be bringing more kids off of the streets very soon.  Because of YOU, kids who were once sleeping on the street at night, now have food and shelter, and spiritual discipleship through the M.A.R.K 10:14 run by Joey & Destiny, HHM missionaries. 
Because of YOU, we are now beginning a family sponsorship program and rescuing girls out of prostitution.  Because of YOU, we are hoping to open a girls shelter anytime, and another one for more boys in early summer.  Because of you, the word of God is being preached to many of His children, and many are coming to faith!!! 

This is just a part of the work of HHM, and we want to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!!

We still have much to accomplish.  Help us continue the work the Lord is doing by donating now!!!
Click here:

and select the Support tab on the top of the page. 


Follow Us


Company Info

Dutton Foundation/ Heavenly Hope Ministries

P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028


 More Info


Johnson's- Outreach Week


Steph reported to us that exciting things happened last week at Sheffield Uni. during the Christian Union outreach week -
~daily, early morning prayer meetings were packed with students spilling out into the hallways
~events exceeded expectations with attendance, many 100+
~at least 10 decisions to follow Christ were made, with many more signing up for exploratory courses
Praise to God!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Kathy Keller- March Update

 Hello Again!

I can’t believe it has now been three weeks since I have been back in Tanzania.  Time sure does fly!

I have so many items of needed prayer.  I hope that you are ready to pray, pray, pray!  J

The last year and a half we have had a Bible Club for children ages 5-8 at a wonderful IndiaXn believer’s home each Saturday morning.  These kids (pictured on the left) have been hearing God’s Word weekly.  It has been exciting to hear about how they remember the stories each week.  Unfortunately Prasana is going to IndiXa for a few months, and possibly for good!  Would you pray for these young children?  Pray they will share what they have learned with their families.  Pray that God would provide a venue and teachers for this club if He desires it to continue on (pictured here was last Saturday where Prasana shared the gospel with the kids for the last time for awhile)! 

On Friday night Prasana asked me to share the gospel at her son’s birthday party.  It was exciting to have FOUR children come up to me with questions at the end.  They have heard bits and pieces at our clubs, and are always full of questions.  One young boy came up and asked me about what I said about Jesus being the ONLY way to forgiveness.  He said “But, I go to the MosquXe almost every day….won’t that count?”  I told him that God’s Word says that there is NOTHING we can do to save ourselves and the ONLY WAY is to believe what Jesus said.  He said “oh…” and walked away as he pondered what I said.  Please pray for these MuslXm and HindXu kids!

Last weekend I was waiting at a restaurant for my friends (pictured below) to arrive.  I ran into a group of MuslXm boys that come to our Saturday Clubs.  They are in about 5th grade and I see them often at this particular restaurant—of course they were eager to find out when clubs will resume!  It is so cute to see them “hang out” at restaurants together like this (about 6 of them).  I was just struck by this AMAZING potential.  These are young boys who are the future leaders of their community.  They are ready and willing to come to our clubs and enjoy spending time with us.  Would you begin praying for the three men that are going to be joining our team in September?  Would you pray that God would use these men in the lives of boys like these (older ones, men and so on!).  There is such an opportunity here and I am so excited to see God work in these young men’s lives.  I am just blown away by the thought of having men here to really invest in these young boys.  Please pray God would use these boys for HIS glory, that they would come to know HIM as their personal Lord and Savior and that they would be the future leaders of their community!

Wow, what can I say?  We have two teams coming this summer to do English Camps, over night camps, and maybe even a sports camp in HindXu and MuslXm schools.  What a great opportunity!  We also have at least eight new staff coming in September.  It is our team’s job to make sure that ALL of the logistics are covered for these people—food, lodging, housing for the September folks, furniture, pots, pans, refrigeration…..need I say more?  There are so many emails to be written, plans to be made, homes to rent, decisions to be thought through, and so on.  Please pray for us as we desire to please the Lord in these areas.  Pray that our new team members will be able to raise the support they will need before September!

Laura and I will be traveling to Madagascar to gain training from one of the TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) teams.  We will be gone about 9 days (March 25 through April 2nd—we will most likely be unable to email much).  Pray that we can absorb all that we need to in order for us to learn all we need to learn from this team. 

Claudia and I just finished a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) course.  Please pray for us as we consider how these principles might apply to us personally, to our team, and even to our upcoming TIMO team!  CHE is a strategy for sharing the gospel wholistically in a community.

We often become so busy with home visitation, time in schools, clubs both at schools and Bible Clubs that we become overwhelmed.  I am really trying to pace myself as I look at the logistics (see above prayer request) that need to be accomplished as well at desiring to continue our ministry “in the meantime”.  Would you pray for us as we are making some big decisions this week about which clubs we will restart and when between now and this summer.  We are also praying through how to begin the TIMO team in September in terms of their involvement as well!  Below is a pic of some of the older girls from our older girls club.  We haven’t officially restarted that club yet, but I had the opportunity to see many of them at their school, and also for dinner and hang out time at my place.  Many of you have been praying for these girls (pictured below from left to right—Ravina, Rushika, Sonali, Misha, Alisha, and Nishma) for many years.  They have heard the truth many times and in many ways.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their sin and desperate need of Jesus!  These girls are all “leaders” in many ways.  Their potential to reach their own people is great!  I am sure Satan would HATE IT if they became believers and I am SURE he is doing whatever he can to stop this from happening.  PLEASE PRAY that God would dramatically move in their lives.  Rushika (second from left) recently began going to a Christian school (HOPAC) and is off to the states next year to attend University.  I am so concerned for her as she moves to America.  Please pray that she will meet Christians in America and that God would keep drawing her to Himself!  WE all have a “story” as to how God drew us to him.  Many of us have salvation stories that span many years.  Pray for these girls.  I know God is not finished with them yet!  It amazes me that they have been faithfully hearing God’s Word for over four years.  They have come to camps, and have heard speakers and seminars.  Pray for them!

Please be in prayer for decisions being made for Bamba.  Pray that God would soften parents hearts as kids desire to come to camp.  Pray this would be the best Bamba yet.  Pray that lives would be changed!  God uses camp ministry in so many lives.  Pray with us!

Thanks so much for your prayers, support, and love!

I appreciate all of you,

Kathy Keller

P.S. In case you are wondering…. The dog pictured with the girls is my new puppy, Sadie!  Yep, I brought back a puppy.  I really like having a small dog here.  And believe me, she is already being “used” by God to draw people into relationship with us.  God works in mysterious ways!  J

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dutton's- Please Pray


Please pray for our Ministry Partner serving in Ethiopia. He was taken by police while caring for a group of new street kids who have come to the Lord recently. It's amazing, he was helping them with $ for shelter & food and this is why they took him in, has been there for about 6 days so far without any formal reason. Join us in prayer for his release.