Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dutton's- Pictures from Ethiopia and Update

 Heavenly Hope Ministries: Pictures from Ethiopia and The Latest Updates...

 ""Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute"...Prov 31:8

A girl in Shoni, the town where we purchased the 3rd orphanage


John with some of the kids from Solomon's hometown


The Street kids reading the bibles they received for Christmas



 The kids at the Boys shelter eating a Christmas meal


(Alex & Joel w/ boys)

The temporary shelter that we were helping to pay for the street boys to sleep at until the shelter opened up.  John & Joel stayed there with the boys one night.   As John explained "for me, this was the worst possible sleeping arrangements I could imagine.  I couldn't sleep, and it was so uncomfortable-filfthy dirty, bugs, etc.  But as I lay there, I realized that for these boys, this place was a huge blessing as they weren't sleeping out on the street at night".  They even locked them in at night so they couldn't leave.  Good thing both Joel & John had a stomach bug that day! (and no, there was no toilet) :o)  They did make it through the night just fine however!!! 

The view from the bed John slept in that night...


All of us at the New Shelter which opened soon before we left...



In Holeta near Covenant Orphanage...

John took Solomon to his hometown (over 11 hours from Addis).  The village was a hard area.  The lady on the right told John: "If you take my picture again I will kill you"...  John asked Solomon if she was serious, and he said "yes"...  YIKES!!! :o)

Another kid near Shoni, the town where we just purchased the 3rd childrens home.  As you can see it is an area of great need.  We now need funds to begin fixing up the home to prepare it for more kids!!! 

 Latest Update: 

In this issue:  (Below)
JD's Touchdown Club-  3rd Annual Fundraiser kicks off this weekend

GuestHouse-  Recently, I sat down with a friend telling her all the amazing things God did to help us set up the guesthouse.  She reads our newsletters, but had no idea all God did during our time there and said "you need to share that with people.  You can read some of it below...
What your support has accomplished-  We just wanted to give you an overall update as to all that you are doing through your support as well as what is next!!

 JD’s Touchdown Club

Once again, we are launching our biggest fundraiser of the year; JD's Touchdown Club.  John's football season starts this weekend against the Spokane Shock.  For every touchdown that John throws, we want it to be for a purpose.  We are looking for people to make a pledge for every touchdown thrown during the 2011 season. 

For example, you can donate $1 per touchdown thrown this season.  On average John throws 100 touchdowns a season, so your total pledge would be $100.  Please sign up today!!!!

We will not charge you until the regular season is over in July. 
 See Ad below: 

 “Throwing touchdowns, bringing Hope”

 Every day almost 6000 children become orphans. Every 6 seconds a child dies of starvation. Every minute we have a choice: we can choose to help care for those orphans, to feed those hungry bellies, and to help those in need; or we can choose to look away and do little or nothing.

What is your choice???

Please choose to join JD’s TD Club and bring HELP and HOPE to those in need. Your donations will go to support Heavenly Hope Ministries and its projects serving the poor, and destitute in both in Africa & in the Cleveland area.

Click here for more information or to sign up:

Providence Guest House:  (PGH)

During our time in Ethiopia we actually set up a guesthouse/ base for missions.  The vision of Providence Guest House started during a time of prayer last spring. The Lord had burdened our hearts with the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14. We felt the Lord challenging us  to multiply funds for the ministry and to be "good and faithful servants who went to work at once to turn 5 talents into 10"...vs 16
  We began to ask the Lord to show us ways to, in good stewardship, multiply our funds to help feed, cloth, and help more. During prayer, the Lord gave us the vision of the guest house/ base for missions and we knew He was leading us to go and get it started right away.

  During our time in Africa, the Lord not only brought every detail together for us, including the place, the workers, and the funds (these were all mighty moves of His hands); he even gave me a dream about the providence of God. I woke up questioning: "I wonder why He wants me to know more about the providence of God".

I did a study on it and tucked it away. As it came time to name the guesthouse, we prayed about the name and the Lord gave us "Providence Guest House". When I went back to my study notes and saw what Providence meant I was blown away. It comes from two greek words: foresight & provision. The definition is: The wisdom, care, and guidance provided by God. Under provision it's explained as Gods provision and care for his people.

  What's incredible, is that this is the vision of PGH. It is about providing for more of his people through the multiplying of funds so that we can feed, clothe, and help more of His children, His families, His people. All proceeds from PGH go directly back to help the ministries we serve. 

  Another amazing provision was in our training.  After we set up the entire 7 bedroom place (WHEWWW), we had to begin training our staff.  Since my college major had nothing to do with "operating a guesthouse" (talk about "choosing the foolish things of the world to shame the wise"...)  I was praying heavily for the Lord to direct us with all of it.  Not even 2 weeks after we began to set it up, the Lord sent an amazing answer to prayer.  One of the most successful guesthomes in Ethiopia had too many guests, and needed "overflow".  They rented out our entire guesthome, but brought in all of their own staff.  We were able to watch, learn, and "train" our staff with the most successful guesthouse in Ethiopia. 


  PGH is situated to host short term teams, missionaries, adoptive families, or individuals wanting to go to Africa.  In the short time we have been open, we have already hosted many people and the Lord is multiplying quickly.  The amazing thing is that we are almost fully booked already this month, and we haven't even advertised yet!!!  God is doing it already!!!
   We are now in the states and will be setting up short term trips to go and see all the ministry work going on in Ethiopia.  If you are interested in going, let us know!  We will be planning a trip for the fall. 

Please pass it along to all of your friends and people serving in Ethiopia.  We would love to host them or any of their teams.  All they need to do is contact me for more information.  We will also have a website up soon. 

What your money has been doing all over the world: 

We wanted to share with you all that your donations have been doing.  Because of YOU, another orphanage has been purchased and will be bringing more kids off of the streets very soon.  Because of YOU, kids who were once sleeping on the street at night, now have food and shelter, and spiritual discipleship through the M.A.R.K 10:14 run by Joey & Destiny, HHM missionaries. 
Because of YOU, we are now beginning a family sponsorship program and rescuing girls out of prostitution.  Because of YOU, we are hoping to open a girls shelter anytime, and another one for more boys in early summer.  Because of you, the word of God is being preached to many of His children, and many are coming to faith!!! 

This is just a part of the work of HHM, and we want to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!!

We still have much to accomplish.  Help us continue the work the Lord is doing by donating now!!!
Click here:

and select the Support tab on the top of the page. 


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Company Info

Dutton Foundation/ Heavenly Hope Ministries

P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028


 More Info


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