Monday, March 14, 2011

Kathy Keller- March Update

 Hello Again!

I can’t believe it has now been three weeks since I have been back in Tanzania.  Time sure does fly!

I have so many items of needed prayer.  I hope that you are ready to pray, pray, pray!  J

The last year and a half we have had a Bible Club for children ages 5-8 at a wonderful IndiaXn believer’s home each Saturday morning.  These kids (pictured on the left) have been hearing God’s Word weekly.  It has been exciting to hear about how they remember the stories each week.  Unfortunately Prasana is going to IndiXa for a few months, and possibly for good!  Would you pray for these young children?  Pray they will share what they have learned with their families.  Pray that God would provide a venue and teachers for this club if He desires it to continue on (pictured here was last Saturday where Prasana shared the gospel with the kids for the last time for awhile)! 

On Friday night Prasana asked me to share the gospel at her son’s birthday party.  It was exciting to have FOUR children come up to me with questions at the end.  They have heard bits and pieces at our clubs, and are always full of questions.  One young boy came up and asked me about what I said about Jesus being the ONLY way to forgiveness.  He said “But, I go to the MosquXe almost every day….won’t that count?”  I told him that God’s Word says that there is NOTHING we can do to save ourselves and the ONLY WAY is to believe what Jesus said.  He said “oh…” and walked away as he pondered what I said.  Please pray for these MuslXm and HindXu kids!

Last weekend I was waiting at a restaurant for my friends (pictured below) to arrive.  I ran into a group of MuslXm boys that come to our Saturday Clubs.  They are in about 5th grade and I see them often at this particular restaurant—of course they were eager to find out when clubs will resume!  It is so cute to see them “hang out” at restaurants together like this (about 6 of them).  I was just struck by this AMAZING potential.  These are young boys who are the future leaders of their community.  They are ready and willing to come to our clubs and enjoy spending time with us.  Would you begin praying for the three men that are going to be joining our team in September?  Would you pray that God would use these men in the lives of boys like these (older ones, men and so on!).  There is such an opportunity here and I am so excited to see God work in these young men’s lives.  I am just blown away by the thought of having men here to really invest in these young boys.  Please pray God would use these boys for HIS glory, that they would come to know HIM as their personal Lord and Savior and that they would be the future leaders of their community!

Wow, what can I say?  We have two teams coming this summer to do English Camps, over night camps, and maybe even a sports camp in HindXu and MuslXm schools.  What a great opportunity!  We also have at least eight new staff coming in September.  It is our team’s job to make sure that ALL of the logistics are covered for these people—food, lodging, housing for the September folks, furniture, pots, pans, refrigeration…..need I say more?  There are so many emails to be written, plans to be made, homes to rent, decisions to be thought through, and so on.  Please pray for us as we desire to please the Lord in these areas.  Pray that our new team members will be able to raise the support they will need before September!

Laura and I will be traveling to Madagascar to gain training from one of the TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) teams.  We will be gone about 9 days (March 25 through April 2nd—we will most likely be unable to email much).  Pray that we can absorb all that we need to in order for us to learn all we need to learn from this team. 

Claudia and I just finished a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) course.  Please pray for us as we consider how these principles might apply to us personally, to our team, and even to our upcoming TIMO team!  CHE is a strategy for sharing the gospel wholistically in a community.

We often become so busy with home visitation, time in schools, clubs both at schools and Bible Clubs that we become overwhelmed.  I am really trying to pace myself as I look at the logistics (see above prayer request) that need to be accomplished as well at desiring to continue our ministry “in the meantime”.  Would you pray for us as we are making some big decisions this week about which clubs we will restart and when between now and this summer.  We are also praying through how to begin the TIMO team in September in terms of their involvement as well!  Below is a pic of some of the older girls from our older girls club.  We haven’t officially restarted that club yet, but I had the opportunity to see many of them at their school, and also for dinner and hang out time at my place.  Many of you have been praying for these girls (pictured below from left to right—Ravina, Rushika, Sonali, Misha, Alisha, and Nishma) for many years.  They have heard the truth many times and in many ways.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their sin and desperate need of Jesus!  These girls are all “leaders” in many ways.  Their potential to reach their own people is great!  I am sure Satan would HATE IT if they became believers and I am SURE he is doing whatever he can to stop this from happening.  PLEASE PRAY that God would dramatically move in their lives.  Rushika (second from left) recently began going to a Christian school (HOPAC) and is off to the states next year to attend University.  I am so concerned for her as she moves to America.  Please pray that she will meet Christians in America and that God would keep drawing her to Himself!  WE all have a “story” as to how God drew us to him.  Many of us have salvation stories that span many years.  Pray for these girls.  I know God is not finished with them yet!  It amazes me that they have been faithfully hearing God’s Word for over four years.  They have come to camps, and have heard speakers and seminars.  Pray for them!

Please be in prayer for decisions being made for Bamba.  Pray that God would soften parents hearts as kids desire to come to camp.  Pray this would be the best Bamba yet.  Pray that lives would be changed!  God uses camp ministry in so many lives.  Pray with us!

Thanks so much for your prayers, support, and love!

I appreciate all of you,

Kathy Keller

P.S. In case you are wondering…. The dog pictured with the girls is my new puppy, Sadie!  Yep, I brought back a puppy.  I really like having a small dog here.  And believe me, she is already being “used” by God to draw people into relationship with us.  God works in mysterious ways!  J

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