Monday, July 1, 2013

Email Response From Brother Joseph

Dear sister Marina Rosso,
Hearty greetings in Jesus Holy name. I am so happy to receive an e-mail from you. I always remember your EV Free church in my prayers. I had a blessed time with some of your church members when I was in USA in the year 2011. You are blessed with very good pastors ie Pastor Gary Vandiwalker , Pastor Jeff, and others. We all had nice lunch in restaurant after Sunday service with Pastors, Moss family, and some brothers and sisters of EV Free church. It is really good to have communication with you from that blessed Church.

For the past many years, many people from EV Free Mount Shasta have been supporting children at GSH Home. Additionally, your Pastor Jeff Summers visited here in 2010 and witnessed our church, children's home, and many Gospel outreaches. Thank you for praying for us over the years. We have seen God's Holy Spirit move and many Hindus, Muslims, and unbelievers have believed in the name of Jesus.

The children at GSH Home are thriving thanks to the quality care they are receiving. In addition to food, clothing, education, and health care, they are also being instructed daily in the Word of God. Recently we began construction of a new children's home cum English-medium school. The building and land is being constructed from donations received by individuals in your church and from other churches in your area. For more specific information about the building of this new home, please ask Pastor Jeff Summers who knows all this information. I feel it as a blessing to communicate with you and share my burden of missionary work in our place.

We are looking forward to receiving a delegation this fall of Bro David Holst and Sister Lori Holst, and perhaps others from your area. The delegation will come to witness and celebrate the completion of the children's home. I request your earnest prayers for the construction of Children’s home cum English medium School, Leppor Ministries, Medical ministries, Gospel outreach ministries..
Our prayers are always with you. God bless you sister.
Your brother in His service,
Pastor K. Joseph Edwards.

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