Monday, July 22, 2013

Prayer Concerns from Kathy Keller

Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you so much for praying for our team over the last few weeks.  Our TIMO Quest team has gone well and I have personally seen God working in the lives of people in new and significant ways.  Praise the Lord!  I appreciate so many of you who faithful pray for me, my team, and the people we work with.
As my last prayer update indicated we are coming up on a two week vacation.  I am really looking forward to this time to be with my mom and to go on an exciting vacation with her.  
Our TIMO Questers leave on Wednesday, we have team day on Thursday, and our vacation starts on Sunday/Monday.  Yeah!
I just wanted to ask prayer for one thing that is more of a personal item.  A couple days ago now I experienced a brief numbness in my right arm and some slurred speech.  I was able to get an MRI in Dar es Salaam and it has been determined through that that I need to have an appointment with a neurologist.  We do not have a neurologist in Dar es Salaam that can help me figure out a treatment plan, so I have been advised by our insurance and medical personnel to make a quick trip to South Africa (five hour direct flight) to see a doctor there. 
Would you pray that this trip would go smoothly?  Would you pray that Laura (who is going with me) and I would find the offices we need and an inexpensive place to stay quickly?  Would you also pray that I can get this sorted out and be back here either on Friday to meet up with my mom, or at least by Sunday so we can head off on our planned vacation?  Would you pray for me that I would not have any sort of fear about any of this?
I would covet your prayers.  
In Him,
Kathy Keller

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