Monday, July 22, 2013

Prayer Concerns from the Warwicks

Dear Tony,

Thanks you! We are grateful for your willingness to bring our prayer needs before the throne of grace on our behalf.

Endurance, focus and those holding down the fort at home: Yes, I know, we said that in the last Prayer Update too! Since we last checked in, Ken has been in Dar es Salaam, Berlin, Thailand and New Orleans. Now both of us are headed for the ReachGlobal Europe Conference. Ken is grateful for the access to so many of our staff at the conference in Slovenia, but that kind of schedule does demand a prayer-fueled endurance. Both of us will work with Heidi Tunberg to offer a day long workshop at the conference for those parents who are dealing with the sorrow of having "prodigal" children. Numerous other more project oriented meetings and conversations will make the six days with our Europe staff very full.  Please pray for Suzanne and Ren as they hold the fort in Minnesota. 

Wisdom in many conversations: Though it is wonderful to pick up conversations started years before in relationships spanning decades, it can also be a complex task, requiring immense concentration.  Pray that Ken would have wisdom and clarity in all his conversations in Slovenia.

Refreshing times of encouragement. Please pray for all of our staff from across Europe as they gather that they might be encouraged by the speakers, the workshops and in worship together!

Times with old friends in Germany and Austria. We are taking advantage of the trip to the conference to visit five families on the way to Slovenia. These are all relationships measured in decades. Please pray we will be a blessing to each family we visit.

The major projects continue even though we are on the road. Ken is very involved in four ongoing projects which impact our entire missionary staff. Two of those will require immediate attention once we return from the conference so please pray that long plane rides and side conversations at the conference can help him keep those balls in the air as well.

Thanks! We'd love to know how we can be praying for you these days as well.

In Him,

Ken and JoAn

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