Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ken Warwick- EFCA in Berlin

Getting stoked about what's happening in this strategizing session about Berlin. We're on the verge of a massive work of God in that great city.

Pray for wisdom and creativity in this strategy

Monday, December 3, 2012

Kathy Keller- Christmas 2012

Hello to you all!
I am about to leave for ....... on a trip with our TIMO team to ........ for a language, culture, meeting up with friends (a few, God willing) extravaganza.I will be gone until December 26th. I will write more about what has been going on here at that time. For those of you who had been praying for our Friday Club kids our last night was two days ago and we had a TON of parents come to our parent night. Oh, that God may use this club in the lives of family members here to draw them to Himself. Some exciting things have happened lately and I see God working and moving in the lives and hearts of people who have been hearing the gospel. Keep praying! Please pray for three people  that I believe God is working in—......, .........., and ........ I look forward to telling you some stories about them soon!
How can you pray for us while we are gone?
Please pray for team unity. When a group of eight people travel to a foreign land there are bound to be some tense moments. Pray that we would be the aroma of Jesus to each other and to all we meet on this trip. Pray for Jenny, myself, Angela, Becca (standing in back) and Matt, Erin, Kayla and Laura (sitting down). Pray this trip will help us to understand the heart language and worldview of our people. They are a lost bunch, and we want to faithfully serve them by knowing more about what makes them tick.
I do pray you have a wonderful Christmas Season in the states or wherever you find yourself in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to sharing more when I get back.
God works through prayer.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dutton's- Thanksgiving Message 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Issue November 19, 2012

What we are thankful for....
As this time of year approaches, I think it is a great opportunity to truly think about all that the Lord has done in our lives. It is beyond me to comprehend that the God of the universe, to Whom the earth is His footstool, actually loves and cares for all His children and works in our lives in so many ways. So many times we tend to lose sight on all the things He has provided, what He has protected us from, and how many ways He has worked things for good, as we tend to focus our eyes on the things that we don't like or are wrong in our lives, society, etc.
As I take this time to shift my eyes upward, I find so many things to thank Him for: A roof over my head, clean water, medicine, sanitation, plumbing, hot water, food, dessert, protection, healthy children, vision, hearing, the ability to walk, the ability to eat food, the ability to smell, my family, friends, ministry, and SO MUCH more. I also want to take the time to THANK HIM FOR YOU and FOR YOUR SUPPORT of Heavenly Hope MInistries.

We can't thank you enough for your prayers and generosity. Sometimes it is difficult to continue the work: Opening up our lives to the pain, suffering, and need of others can be heavy, exhausting, messy, and difficult. I also know that it has been the most rewarding, amazing, growing, and wonderful things that God has ever done in our lives and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
It is in large part because of YOU that we are able to continue to serve the "least of these" for His glory. If it weren't for your generosity, we couldn't meet the needs of others. If it weren't for your prayers, we wouldn't have the strength, guidance, and protection needed to continue on. In Exodus 17:10-13 we see that when Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands, Israel would win. Prior to that, whenever Moses' hands fell, Israel would start losing. It took his partners holding up his hands when he became too tired, for them to gain the victory.

It is the same with us. We need each other, the body of Christ, and all our supporters to hold up our hands, so that we can continue to gain the victory in the lives of those we serve. So, we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!
May you have a wonderful THANKSGIVING filled with His peace, joy, love, and blessings.
In Him,
John & Terina Dutton

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dutton's- Praise Report 11-2012

“For this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality—at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, “HE WHO gathered MUCH DID NOT HAVE TOO MUCH, AND HE WHO gathered LITTLE HAD NO LACK”...2 Cor 8:13-15-
In This Issue:
  • End of the year gift
  • Stats of Christian Spending
  • Current Update/ Needs
  • Catalog Request for Project Tesfa
  • Automatic Monthly Donations
"To whom MUCH is given, MUCH is required"...Luke 12:48
·If you have a fridge, bed, roof, & clothes in your closet you are in the top 75% richest in the world.
· If you make $10,066- you are in the top !6% in worlds wealth.
· If your net worth is $61,000-you are one of the 10% richest IN THE WORLD.
·½ of world lives on less than $2/dollars a day.
·Over 1 billion attempt to live on $1/ day.
·It would take an estimated $13 billion to provide basic nutrition to every starving person in the entire world.

Christians in the US spend:
· $3 billion/ year on bottled
· $4 billion/ year on
· $7 billion on sports events
· $11 billion a year on
· $13 billion a year on pets
and also on diet programs
· $17 billion a year on golf
and also on boating
· $20 billion a year on soft
· $21 billion on cable TV
· $76 billion a year on
eating out
WE LIVE in the top 2%-5% in world!!! We have been given MUCH. What are we doing to bless others with what we have?
Do we spend more on our vacations, remodels, pleasures, clothes, and extras in a month than we do on the poor, orphaned, and needy?
Billy Graham said this: "give me 5 minutes with a persons checkbook and fincancial records and I will tell you where his heart is".
If someone were to look over our financial records what would they say of us. Would they see one who's heart for the poor, orphaned, and needy of this world spilled over into their pocketbook? Would they be blown away by the generosity and lack of selfishness reflected by what was recorded?
That is my hope, my encouragement, and my challenge, and I hope that it is yours as well.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"
...2 Cor 9:7.
Would you be willing to join the Heavenly Hope Ministries Automated Giving Program? Sign up on our webpage to donate a certain amount per month (any amount from $5 a month and up), and we will send you a bag of fresh Ethiopian Coffee.
Click HERE to sign up today. When you get to the FREQUENCY drop down tab select MONTHLY.
Thanks to our ministry partners, One Child Campaign, over $20,000 was just donated for the completion of Shoni, the 3rd orphanage we are working together on in Ethiopia.
This is a huge praise report! Currently there are over 25 kids in the sponsorship program here, and hopefully soon, we will begin to move some of them into their new home!
M.A.R.K 10:14:
6 months of rent and food were just provided for the kids shelter. This is a huge praise report!!! The are still many things needed for the kids in the M.A.R.K 10:14 ministry including:
  • CLOTHES & SHOES-Summer clothes and shoes are needed for the kids in the shelter.
  • PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS-soap, toothpaste, etc.
  • HOLIDAYS-Money for the purchase of food and gifts are needed for the kids in the shelter.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. To make a donation to support the ministry please click Here: Make sure to select the program you are wanting to support on the drop down tab.
"I wanted to ask the Lord why He allows starvation, poverty, orphans, etc. but I was afraid He would ask me the same question".
As the end of the year approaches we want to encourage you to get your tax deductible donation in! The needs of the ministry are greater than ever as we continue to grow and partner with other organizations in working for His kingdom and His children.
At this time, the funds of the ministry are lower than they have ever been. We are partnered with a lot of amazing ministries, doing amazing things for His kingdom, but are finding that we can't support them in the work they are doing.
With your generosity, we currently have over 100 children in the child sponsorship program through the 3 orphanages, we are working with street kids through the M.A.R.K 10:14 program, are involved in family sponsorships, and are partnered with 4 at-risk women's groups. Not only this, but we know of MANY other amazing ministries that are looking for support in the work they are doing.
I have received email after email of pastors who are unable to feed or provide the basic neccessities for the orphans they are caring for in their church. I get pleas from pastors serving our brothers and sisters in countries of great persecution towards Christians, who are unable to provide basic needs for members in their churches where the husbands, being the only financial supporter of their families, have been put in prison for their faith.
Time after time my response is the same, "Im sorry, we can't take on any other projects at this time". Easy to read, but I can't tell you how hard it actually is to tell a pastor you have nothing to give and the feeling of knowing how hard it must be to hear another NO in a desperate situation. IT IS A HEAVY BURDEN.
While I know we can't save the world, and I must not carry a burden that the Lord hasn't given me, I do feel the burden of knowing that we, as a church, can do so much more! When I see the stats of how much we spend on so many temporal things I know that we can do so much more and I want to challenge you to join us in doing just that!

We, TOGETHER, can change the world one life, one family, one community at a time.
What are you willing to sacrifice to join me in this cause? We have been given the resources to end world hunger, give the entire world clean drinking water, and more. Will we???
Heavenly Hope Ministries will be releasing its first ever Project Tesfa Catalog. It will be full of items you can purchase for Christmas gifts as well as gifts for any other occasion throughout the year.
It will have items made by women in Africa such as scarves, handbags/ purses, and beaded jewelry, as well as coffee, silver jewelry, and body products.
For more information about Project Tesfa check out our new website at:
Heavenly Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 1224
Fallbrook, CA 92028

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gideons- Please pray for Eastern Seaboard

Superstorm Sandy Image - AP
Much of the U.S. eastern seaboard is beginning the recovery from Superstorm Sandy which ripped through more than a dozen states this week.
“We are praying for the safety of all those directly impacted by the storm,” says Craig Warner, Executive Director of The Gideons International.
Please join us in praying that God’s grace and comfort will be upon our brothers and sisters in these areas whose lives are deeply affected by this disaster. Continue to pray for those victims who are now staying in emergency shelters or without power. And please pray that God would open the opportunity for Gideons to share God’s Word and that many people will come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
In the past 90 days, The Gideons International has placed more than one million Scriptures in areas directly impacted by Sandy. Just last month, The Gideons International conducted a Metro Scripture Blitz in New York City in which thousands of Scriptures were distributed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Johnson's- Help Needed

Dear ministry partners,

On Friday our RG-Europe Business Manager notified us that we will no longer be reimbursed for our ministry expenses since we’ve dropped well below the minimum required reserve in our ministry account.

And if the balance continues to drop, we will also need to take a cut in salary.

This has come about because:

· we’ve chosen not to raise our salary since 2009, being sensitive to economic difficulties experienced by many Stateside

· we’ve lost a few supporters over the past years

· our ministry expenses have been increasing gradually due to inflation, cost of living overseas, and increased non-taxable benefits such as medical, RG allocation, etc

As a result, over these past 12 months through August we’ve averaged a shortfall of about $1000 per month, which means we’ve gradually depleted the reserve we had due to one-time donations.

All this to say, we desperately need churches and individuals to:

· help us with one-time gifts to re-build our reserve so that we can be reimbursed for ministry expenses and also not have to take a cut in salary

· help us with our ongoing monthly support needs

Would you please pray about our needs and consider investing in our ministry to reach Muslims for Christ by adding us to your church or personal budget? Or if you’re already a financial supporter, would you please consider increasing the amount of your support? As you can appreciate, we prefer not to have to return to America prematurely before our summer 2013 Home Assignment.

We trust that our God who has called us to this ministry is the same God who will provide our needs. But we have a responsibility to make our needs known and to invite your prayerful consideration. Admittedly, I’ve been negligent about making these needs known in the past, tending instead to rely on the one-time donations.

As always, we remain extremely grateful for whatever contributions you’ve made in the past, and can make in the future!

For contributions to our ministry:

a) For USA checks, please make payable to "EFCA" , noting “1862, Johnsons support” on memo line. Mail checks or the attached pledge form to: Evangelical Free Church of America, 901 East 78th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300.

b) For UK cheques, make payable to “ReachGlobal”, noting “Johnsons support” on the reverse. Post cheques or the pledge form to us at: 117 Sandford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9BU.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dutton's- 2012 Fundraiser

WE NEED YOU!!! Only 1 game left this season and this is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Please pledge money for every touchdown John throws this season. Turn his on the field "success" into off the field "significance". Will you pass it along to your friends?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Gideons- New Camps in Ghana

Gideons Share God’s Word In Ghana
The Gideons first opened a camp in Ghana in 1966. With the 5 new camps in Ghana, there are 106 Gideon camps there total. To date, more than 21 million Scriptures have been placed there through The Gideons International.
In 1957, Ghana became the first nation in colonial Africa to gain independence. Today, more than 24 million people live in Ghana. There has been a significant increase in evangelical churches in the more developed South over the past 15 years, however 70% of Ghana’s villages still have no evangelical church.
Please pray for our new Gideon camps in Ghana, as well as those in the rest of the country. And pray for open doors for Gideons to distribute large quantities of God’s Word there as the people of Ghana are more receptive than ever to the Gospel.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Siskiyou Christian School June, 2012

Siskiyou Christian School has opened enrollment at their campus located at 756 South Weed Blvd. in Weed.
The Weed Berean Church is allowing use of their facility to house the independent Christian school. The school will provide kindergarten as well as 1st-8th grades.
Students thrive in small class environments with lots of individual attention learning from God-Centered curriculum. Siskiyou Christian School provides experiences in the area of music, sign language, dance, and physical activities. Older students learn to set goals and meet them.
The program will be a three day all-day program for K-8th graders with home study on Thursdays and Fridays.
For enrollment information call 530-938-1706 or email at  .

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Gideons- Romania 2012

The 2012 Romania ISB: Memories of Gratitude

by The Gideons International on June 12, 2012

In late March, an international team of eight Gideons from the U.S., Sweden and Germany arrived in Bucharest, Romania to share God’s Word in an International Scripture Blitz (ISB). Following is an account of the strong impression that the blitz left on Kent Olofsson, a Gideon from Sweden.

The process of gathering and summarizing all the impressions and experiences I have had during this week is not easy. After just a few days at home, I have noticed, how very much of my everyday life is directly affected by my experiences in Bucharest.

I have left a piece of my heart in Romania with my brothers and sisters there, and with the Gideons from the U.S. and Germany who participated in the Blitz. I have added memories that I will carry with me forever. The words, “brother,” and, “sister,” have now a whole new meaning. They are no
longer just words, but a very strong feeling that is directly linked to my heart.

Which experiences should I choose to describe? Those which were emotionally the strongest, or those I feel will have the strongest influence on the future?

Is it the memory of a woman who walks past a school where we are distributing New Testaments? She receives a New Testament without saying anything. She seems weighed down and gloomy, and I watch her as she enters a porch a few houses away. After a while, she returns. Her facial expression has changed. She looks touched, maybe she has been crying. She thanks us for the New Testament. She says her child is very sick, and she has asked God for help. She says that having the New Testament in her hand helps her to feel God’s care for her. Her gratitude is enormous.

Or is it the memory of placing a New Testament on the bedside table of an elderly woman at a nursing home. I cannot understand her words because she speaks Romanian and my interpreter is not in the room. But the woman’s whole body language signals gratitude. She holds her New Testament to her chest with her arms folded. She bows to me and the words coming from her mouth are expressions of gratitude and joy, as I understand, and the words go straight to my heart and I am very moved.

I am grateful that I had the privilege of being part of, and seeing the result of what our predecessors and role models have done and accomplished. To take up their mantle is just too much. But maybe I can contribute with a small part, in order for the Word of God to be known among all peoples and tribes. When the Lord calls us to go, then we’ll go!

Kent Olofsson
Sweden, ISB Team Member

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dutton's- New Baby 2012

                                        WELCOME  BABY  GABRIELLA

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dutton's- Urgent Appeal April 2012

  Heavenly Hope Ministries

“Throwing touchdowns, bringing Hope”
We are 6 games into the season with 10 more to go.  At this point, John has thrown 36 touchdowns. 
For every touchdown that John throws, we want it to be for a PURPOSE.   To do so, we need your help.  We are looking for people to make a pledge for every touchdown John throws during the 2012 season.
WHY:Every day almost 6000 children become orphans. Every 6 seconds a child dies of starvation. Every night millions of children go to bed with out food or shelter.  Every minute we have a CHOICE: we can CHOOSE to help care for those orphans, to feed those hungry bellies, and to help those in need; or we can CHOOSE to look away.
By joining JD’s Touchdown club you are CHOOSING to bring HELP and HOPE to those in need. Your donations will go to help the poor, orphaned, and destitute all over the world.  
You make a decision to join JD's Touchdown Club.  Lets say, for example, you pledge $1 per touchdown thrown this season.  In 2012, John throws 100 touchdowns, so your total pledge would be $100 total.  (100 touchdowns is his average total for any given season). 
Your payment would not be processed until the season is over and we contact you first.   
For more information or to sign up:


We want to thank you for your support of Heavenly Hope Ministries on behalf of those we are serving all over world.  The ministry work and its success is because of the Lord, and YOU!!!


We are doing an Immediate Fund Challenge to help meet some of the URGENT needs of the ministry. 
If you make a donation by Sunday, April 29th we will send you one of the following options: a free bag of fresh, fair trade Ethiopian coffee, a free ministry shirt, or BOTH!!!

 •If you make a donation of $25 or more, you will receive a bag of Fresh, Ethiopian coffee for your generosity.
 •If you make a donation of $50 or more, you will receive a free ministry t-shirt (see available tees below).
 •If you make a donation in the amount of $100 or more, you will receive a free ministry t-shirt AND a fresh bag of Ethiopian coffee. 


Click here to go to our donate page:

***MAKE SURE YOU ADD IMMEDIATE FUND CHALLENGE in the comment section******

All donations are tax-deductible and will go to help continue the ministry work we are doing all over the world. 
We can't do it with out you and we NEED your support! 


There are 4 different styles of shirts:
The top shirt is the shirt you would receive for an order of $100 or more.  It is a REALLY SOFT baseball style tee. 
The second picture is of the logo, which is on a nice black classic fitted t-shirt, which is also SUPER SOFT.  This shirt is the shirt you will receive with an order of $50 or more. 
We also have a Men's Shirt that says Athletes for the Nations and is a black long sleeve tee. 
I can email pictures if you are wanting to see the other shirts available with your donation. 

We are currently partnering with Hemisphere Coffee Roasters to provide you with Fresh, Fair trade, Coffee from all over the world.  If you are interested in purchasing coffee please let us know.  We would love to assist you.  The purchase of a bag of coffee will help to support the work of Heavenly Hope Ministries as well as the farmers, families, communities, and churches they support.  
For more information about Heavenly Hope Ministries, to send us a comment, or ask a question, please feel free to contact us at: or give us a call at 303-731-9426

We thank you for your support! 


Monday, April 16, 2012

The Gideons- Bibles from a Helicopter

The following story was told to Robert W., a Florida Gideon, by Alexi T., pastor of the evangelical Christian Baptist Church in Noyabrisk, Siberia:
Several years ago, a hungry Nenets fisherman left the town of Ceaca on the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia. The Nenets are hunters and fishermen who live on the Siberian tundra. This Nenets man went looking for food, and he prayed to any god who might hear him, asking for a sign.
Not long after he finished his prayer, a Bible fell from the sky and landed near him. He went back into town with the copy of God’s Word saying, “I have received a sign.” Today, he is part of a church where there are 30 Nenets Christians.
What the villager did not know is that a helicopter had flown from Salekhard the day he got his sign. In that helicopter were two government officials bringing relief aid to needy locales. As they flew, they sorted through their cargo. One said to the other, “The cans of food are good, but what do we need with these books?” So he began throwing the Gideon Scriptures out the window.
It may have been a miracle of God that the Bible fell beside that fisherman, but it was an act of obedience that put the Bible on the helicopter in the first place. Christians paid money to have those Scriptures printed; they paid to have them delivered to Siberia. Others were praying that the Gospel would find good soil among the Nenets people, and God used their faithfulness, their commitment to His mission, and their love for the Nenets people to perform this miracle.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dutton's- Miki's Adoption Story 2012

This is Miki's adoption story which the news in Denver aired back in 2008 (I think). It won an EMMY which was pretty awesome!

Our adoption story was on the news in Denver and won an EMMY! I just saw it was on You Tube so I thought I would share it

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dutton's- Need an Accountant 2012

Heavenly Hope Ministries
We are in NEED of an accountant/ CPA for the ministry. Please contact us if you are interested or know anyone who is looking to serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. THANK YOU!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ken Warwick- March 2012

Through WARWICK'S WINDOW                                                                                        
Does it feel like 2012 is zipping along to you too? ...
Dear Friends in Mt Shasta,
When we last wrote in January, a new year full of projects and opportunites was stretched out ahead of us like an unplowed field. Since then much has happened in life and ministry and Ken is on the verge of a long trip to Asia... we deeply appreciate your prayer support for us so let's see if we can get you caught up a bit....

Hong Kong MeetingsKen has been working with a small team behind the scenes to help prepare a training and networking conference in Hong Kong for 68 ReachGlobal staff and 20 international partners. Please pray for these very important days of learning from each other and finding new ways to speed the growth of the church around the world. Ken leaves for Hong Kong on March 13th and will return on the 31st after visiting other staff in Asia following the week of meetings in Hong Kong.

April in Africa
Next month all of our staff in Africa and a number of African leaders will be gathering for their conference in Kenya, which is held every couple years. Ken will be attending and leading several workshops and meeting with staff to think through a full range of personnel issues.
All of you will be going along with Ken in a sense as he's been asked to do a workshop on how to put together prayer letters like this one. As I'm showing them how the address list works, I will be giving thanks for each reader of this letter!

Team Leader Orientation Course #2We mentioned in January how last year saw the launch of "Team Leader Orientation," a systematic four week introduction to being a team leader in ReachGlobal. It worked very well with a group of 15 participants and Ken's very active facilitation, but it took an emergency project coming to Ken's desk to complete the "proof of concept" and demonstrate how the course would work with a much smaller group. This was important to find out, because once we work through the big backlog of existing team leaders, we needed to know if the course would work in an "on demand" basis with just a few participants at a time.
A second offering of the course was planned in February.The first "apparent setback" for the February offering of this course, happened suddenly the week before the course started, when the participants dropped from seven to three. Then just days before the course started, Ken was given additional responsibilities with preparing for the LeadTeam Conference in Hong Kong, which basically have consumed the last six weeks of his life. This meant that Ken was "missing in action" from the February course, which forced us to test the ability of the course to work as designed. Ken's apology to the three participants at the close of the course was met with gracious responses, great appreciation for how the course had worked and affirmation for Ken's design. Isn't it great how God can turn our frustration and discouragement into joy?

Ken and JoAn Warwick
Serving with
Home Address:
 104 Shumway Ave
 Faribault, MN 55021
EFCA National Office Address:
 901 E 78th St.
 Minneapolis, MN 55420
 Home 507.332.8878
 Office 952.853.8452
 Office 800.745.2202

Ken Warwick

Donate Securely Online:
Ken and JoAn regular support
Technology for Missionaries Fund
 Checks can be sent to:
 EFCA Donor Services
 901 E 78th St.
 Minneapolis, MN 55420
 Please include a note with your check indicating which account it should be applied to for Ken and JoAn. Thanks!

 Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!
Ken and JoAn

Prayer RequestsFor Ken as he attends and leads a sessions at the ReachGlobal LeadTeam meetings in Hong Kong and at the Africa Conference.
For JoAn as she does physical therapy for a painful knee with a torn menusucs and deteriorating cartilege.
  For Ken as he travels to "Asia" and Mongolia following Hong Kong.
  For Ken as he travels to Africa in April.
  Praise for Ren's first year and for a four generation birthday party on March 24th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dutton's- JD's Touchdown Club 2012

JD's Touchdown Club-A new season has started. Click here to find out how you can turn Johns Touchdowns into feeding, clothing, and helping the poor, orphaned and widowed all over the world!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dutton's- Football 2012

Okay, so I thought after 13 seasons of watching John play and all we've seen in Africa that I would no longer get nervous for his football games. Then he runs out on the field and my heart jumps....again! Why is it still making me this nervous???

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Johnson's- John's 60th Birthday

Hi everyone,
This is Irene writing in John’s Outlook. You may or may not be aware that 07th March is John’s 60th birthday. I was thinking it would be fun to let you know so that you could surprise him by dropping him an email birthday greeting, or if you are so inclined you could send a card by snail mail.
Our address is:
1410 Stratford Road,
Hall Green, Birmingham
UK B28 9EP
Every blessing,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dutton's- Needs Wisdom

Pray for the ministry! We need a lot of wisdom and continued guidance as we move forward to all the exciting things God has for us right now. He is doing awesome things with HHM and we need more workers, harvesters, supporters, prayer warriors, and volunteers!!!! Thank you!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dutton's- February 2012

In Amsterdam, on our way back from Ethiopia, an AMAZING TIME! The Lord has placed a lot before us but I am so excited for all HE is doing there!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dutton's- Do You Want To Go To Africa, Ladies?

Im heading to Africa in a few weeks, any ladies want to join me. The dates are most likely the 25th of January-2nd of February. Let me know!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dutton's- It's A Girl 2012

                                                         Terina Dutton
                                           Its a girl!!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Gideons- Philippines Disaster

The Gideons International has approved the implementation of the National Disaster Distribution Program in the Philippines. Gideons there plan to distribute 20,000 New Testaments in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, two areas hard hit by the typhoon that struck that region on December 16. The resulting floods took the life of a Gideon there. He was reportedly trapped in his home after saving all of his family members. Many other Gideons there and in the neighboring city of Iligan suffered devastating damage to their homes as well.

The Philippines government declared the area under a state of calamity. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council for the Philippines, as of January 3rd, 1,257 people have been reported dead, 4,658 injured and 724,729 people have been directly impacted by the tropical storm.

Just last January, The Gideons International conducted an International Scripture Blitz in The Philippines on the island of Luzon, which included the metro area of Manilla. A record number of 1.6 million Scriptures were placed there in just two weeks.

Please pray that God’s grace, mercy and comfort will be upon our brothers and sisters in these areas whose lives were affected so much by this disaster. Please continue to pray also for those victims who are now staying in emergency shelters. And please pray for Gideons as they share God’s Word there and that many people will come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The first Gideon camp in the Philippines was established in 1953 and currently there are 195 Gideon camps there with approximately over 2,500 Gideons and 1,500 Auxiliary. Today, the Philippines’ population is over 101 million , and to date, over 57 million copies of God’s Word have been placed there through The Gideons International.